PC Peripherals PSU on fire !!

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Found this guy who's PSU caught fire !!! Its a 1 year 3 month old antec earth watts 430W PSU on a pretty low end system.






OUCH !!!
that's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

there was this site i enjoyed watching -- destroyed exotics--about wrecked sports cars

this should be in the list of burnt exotics--burnt pc parts.
Culprit Antec? Johhny (Guru Ji) once stated: "looking at the choice of components seasonic/corsair have made one can realize what low quality components Antec used in the previous Psus" (I remember this statement properly) can't find the source right now.
Wow, that doesn't look like an explosion. It looks like the PSU burned for a good 20 seconds before it went kaput.

I had PSU's blow up on me and it sounds like a small cracker bursting.
Interesting cabby... any idea which it is?

Oh... and sad stuff about the PSU. too bad. :P

So that's why kids, you must keep your systems clean from dust, use right components and always buy better PSUs (as Bikey would say, with gun in his hands off-course). If your PSU blows even after that, well either you got bad piece or bad luck.. :bleh:
Its a branded PC, 1.5TB 7200.11 hdd, 945G intel chipset, prolly Dell OR hp.. my guess :P

iGo said:
Interesting cabby... any idea which it is?
Oh... and sad stuff about the PSU. too bad. :P

So that's why kids, you must keep your systems clean from dust, use right components and always buy better PSUs (as Bikey would say, with gun in his hands off-course). If your PSU blows even after that, well either you got bad piece or bad luck.. :bleh:
Wow u r a risk taker :lol: Seasonic 380W best bet for U. Rs. 3200 odd.

jit_devil2 said:
damn.o damn.time to change my generic zebby 400watt
i wud die if my xonar dx gets burnt :S
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