Car & Bike Pulsar 150cc - Problem , insight needed.

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One needs to change the spark plug every 10k kms is something I did not know. My Unicorn's spark plug has been changed only once and it has run 40k kms.

About the OP, de-carbonization of the engine does not cost as much as replacing the piston / block. Try that, if none of the external tricks mentioned by other members work out. Then only go for the decarb process.
Guys guys.. peace :cool2: . the problem is not how worthy/quality components of pulsar are or the superior / inferior the bike is.
I very well stated the problems i face in 1st post and needed a soultion.

@ramanujpatro - i do know local mech, but for matters like this i would rather trust Bajaj SC.

what I like to know is whether i need to go for all the components the SC has mentioned or parts of it.
@Coolermaster & abhifusion - thanks guys would go with your suggestion.

will keep you posted.
@jerry : don't trust the bajaj SC with ur eyes shut.
Enquire about this problem with a couple of more SC, also check with different local mechanics( who knows they might have come across this same problem earlier)

If there is some exclusive pulsar forums on net, check out there too. Only after u get conviced about the problem , get it repaired.
Better get your bike to Castrol Bike Zone, am sure it will be expensive but still it will worth the price, and for all here i too own a Pulsar 150CC, 2004 model and its been 5yrs+ and my BIKE still rides Smother then the newly released one from other companies, before saying something please analysis......
@ramanujpatro - i have 1 bad experience with bajaj SC. almost a year back my bike had a accident. had no other go other than to trust SC. almost spent 7k . even after that the ride was not satisfactory and then spent further 1.4 k more ... I'm not trusting them blindly.this is time im gonna tell what are things to be changed. Thanks bro.

@vibu - yeah know about Castrol bike zone. but the nearest one is too far away. also myself and my biker friends have no prior experience with them. it would be acid test. your siggy looks super awesome.
If a TE member in chennai could vouch for a local mech or castrol bike zone. would love get my bike done there.
jerryelvis said:
Point taken. could you throw in some light about decarb fuel additives like brand, does it decarbonise the engine. I suspect Clutch plate and spark plugs . Chain sprocket could be worn out too.

U can use iftex additives Link: IFTEX OIL & CHEMICALS LTD. ... I use Cyclo Max44 in my bike after every 15k kms ... Cyclo :: Products That Work :: Max 44

Here in Pune, you get the decarb fuel additive from Bajaj SVC itself... they sell Bardhal products, something similar to this : Welcome to Bardahl: A World without Friction

BTW when u go for servicing, keep an eye on mechs and ensure they carry out all the work. Generally in the name of servicing all they do is clean air filter and wash the bike :-\

PS: How old is your bike ? Is the engine under warranty ??
So the engine warranty is 2 years or 3 ?? If its 3, write mail to Bajaj mentioning your problem and possible engine part replacements suggested by Bajaj Service Center... Bajaj engineer will contact your & they'll change the parts under warranty... Thankfully my P220 Fi has 5 years engine warranty :D
As a late 2008 p180 ug3 owner myself, i suspect the clutch going by your symptoms.

Bad performance with added load is a sign of a faulty clutch plate/assembly.

Also do check on the health of the drive chain and sprocket teeth.

Another thing is before you faced this problem, did u have ur engine tuned at some road side mech? Sometimes these buggers "tune" the engine for a lean mixture, resulting in great mileage but low performance. IF yes ask yor A.S.S guy to restore to "factory" setting on the carb.

Avoid the decarbing as of now. Engine de-carbing is done in excess of 45-50k kms. Yours is faaaar away from that mark.
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