Queries about J2EE and J2ME


Dec 25, 2009
Ok friends, I know J2SE. And now want to learn J2EE and J2ME. So here are my list of queries...

1. Do I need to know J2EE in order to learn J2ME??

2. I read somewhere that for coding J2EE I won't it's SDK, I mean Java SDK EE. Is it true??

3. If yes then how will I run the J2EE programs?? Because I don't have the SDK.

4. What is GlassFish and Tomcat. Somewhere I read they performs same thing as Apache does in PHP. That means they are web servers??

5. J2EE inclues JSP, which is a server side language. So that is why I need that GlassFish or Tomcat??

6. If yes then I've Apache installed(XAMPP). Can't I run those there in XAMPP??

7. I've no idea about J2ME. Do I need anything else than it's SDK in order to learn J2ME??

8. I think Advanced Java refers to J2EE and Core Java referes to J2SE. Though Java didn't coined these terms. There terms are coined by us to make it more simpler. Is it true??

9. I saw J2EE inclues many things...such as JSP, Servelet, SOAP, EJB, RMI, Struts. What are all these?? I'm asking these because someone told me all these are different technologies. According to him learning any one would suffice. Is it true??

10. Anything else that you would like to suggest.

I'm referring to Complete Reference to J2EE for learning it. Though I don't mind getting admitted to some institution to learn it. But, what do you think?? I would need guidance?? Or Complete Reference to J2EE would suffice??


May 28, 2009
You could learn J2ME without learning JEE. Start with servlets and jsp. Download JDK and install it and then download and install netbeans. You will have everything you need. Buy a book like Head first servlets and JSP and write your programs using netbeans. Java EE tutorial is a good tutorail/reference for all the topics related to JEE. Struts isn't part of JEE spec. It's a framework used to create web apps. I will leave rest of the questions to other TE members. :p


Dec 25, 2009
Ok Thank you..!! I've installed Netbeans and I saw I can run the program easily from there. But I just wanted to know the manual process(without using IDE). And my main confusion is that how would Java SDK SE able to tun programs of J2EE if I won't need Java SDK EE??

Well...that's why I asked all those questions..!! :)


May 28, 2009
java ee is just a spec, there are many implementations, glassfish being one of them . jee sdk provided on sun's site is based on glassfish. glassfish is included with netbeans and most probably thats what you are using. for using java ee sdk without netbeans, looak at freely available java ee 5 tutorial online on sun's website.


better yet, download tomcat and follow one of many tutorials online or go with a book.


I am sure there are better tutorials online, you should be able to search them, I am more used to reading from books, so might not help you here :p

this is the book I learnt from, available online too http://pdf.coreservlets.com/#ch1


Jun 18, 2010
I really dont recommend learning J2ME now. Android develoment is the way to go.
Android development is done in Java and you will feel at home.


Dec 25, 2009
Thank you guys. But can anyone please answer the questions one by one that I asked, if you dont mind. The fact is that I don't even know what glassfish or tomcat is. So if someone answers the question i think i'll able to understand better.


Dec 25, 2009
And what about other J2EE programs?? How would I compile them and run them?? If I don't need to install J2EE SDK??

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

And what is Struts, Hibernate etc??

lol....can anyone please answer the questions one by one please...!!


May 27, 2006
Kolkata, India
krishnandu said:
Ok friends, I know J2SE. And now want to learn J2EE and J2ME. So here are my list of queries...

1. Do I need to know J2EE in order to learn J2ME??

2. I read somewhere that for coding J2EE I won't it's SDK, I mean Java SDK EE. Is it true??

3. If yes then how will I run the J2EE programs?? Because I don't have the SDK.

4. What is GlassFish and Tomcat. Somewhere I read they performs same thing as Apache does in PHP. That means they are web servers??

5. J2EE inclues JSP, which is a server side language. So that is why I need that GlassFish or Tomcat??

6. If yes then I've Apache installed(XAMPP). Can't I run those there in XAMPP??

7. I've no idea about J2ME. Do I need anything else than it's SDK in order to learn J2ME??

8. I think Advanced Java refers to J2EE and Core Java referes to J2SE. Though Java didn't coined these terms. There terms are coined by us to make it more simpler. Is it true??

9. I saw J2EE inclues many things...such as JSP, Servelet, SOAP, EJB, RMI, Struts. What are all these?? I'm asking these because someone told me all these are different technologies. According to him learning any one would suffice. Is it true??

10. Anything else that you would like to suggest.

I'm referring to Complete Reference to J2EE for learning it. Though I don't mind getting admitted to some institution to learn it. But, what do you think?? I would need guidance?? Or Complete Reference to J2EE would suffice??
1. NO

2. JSE is distributed as an SDK, JEE is a "specification". BTW there is no more J2EE, its JEE now ..

3. U need an IDE to write the codes, Eclipse, Netbeans etc.; and run it on application servers like Tomcat, Glassfish

4. Application Servers; Glassfish is newer and has much more features, but for most daily usage Tomcat should be enough. Google for more info.

5. Again, JEE is a specification so it really cant "include" jsp. JSP = java code in html content. The common alternative would be a servlet + html combo. JSP's are much more efficient as they are always compiled server side when requested for, thus always responding with the latest code snippet. But u can always use standard HTML and servlets to do the same. Its not a hard written law.

6. I donno much about XAMPP but me thinks its for PHP and related stuff ??? U need Tomcat to deploy JEE bases applications.

7. Java ME requires its own SDK, you can still use the same IDE's like Netbeans or Eclipse.

8. Yes.

9. Like i said again, JEE is a specification. Its gives u ways to deliver content or information. Their are many design patterns involved in delivering such solutions, which emphasize on security, features, etc. etc. In a typical MVC pattern, JSP = view of application, servlet = control of process flow. EJB = zomg :) .. Struts = MVC based Framework = its own specifications to be follow. SOAP and RMI would be a bit too much to explain before you know the basics.

10. You haven't learnt anything yet :)

Buy the "Black Book Java Server Programming"; its a good one i would recommend.

Most things you can learn on your own; sample applications are abundant on the web, and most app servers carry sample codes :) good luck ...


Dec 25, 2009
Wow...!! Thanks a lot...!! Now it's bit clear than earlier. Ya sorry for the mistake J2SE/J2EE/J2ME none exists now....They have become Java <version> SE/EE/ME. Anyway thanks...!!

As you said in point no 2 and 3, means while writing JEE programs we use JDK libraries and etc. as we used in JSE??


May 27, 2006
Kolkata, India
Ok here are some basic steps to create a very basic JEE application :

1. download and install JSE sdk, (1.6 build 21). JRE is not enough to build.

2. Install Eclipse/Netbeans. They should automatically detect the current installed JSE

3. Download Tomcat. Configure it in Eclipse/Netbeans, adding driver and stuff.

Now when u create a JEE web application in the IDE, it should take most of the settings on its own; you only have to write the actual codes :)

U can also do it manually, use any standard text editor like Notepad++ to write the actual codes, and then simply learn up how to deploy an application in Tomcat, the directory structure and all.