Query about Isohunt.com


Hi all,
I've query about Isohunt.com. I've never used torrents to download but have used FrostwireWin to download stuff. As I'm on 256 Kbps (Home 500 BSNL) there I'm able to configure so that I can download but nobody can upload from me. The bandwidth I get is o.k. so no issues there. Is it similar with Isohunt.com Can I be a freeloader there or I've compulsarily give some bandwidth? Also Isohunt.com is a kind of search engine to torrent files (akin to Google for web pages) or something more. I've seen there are quite a few people here who're into torrenting stuff so hopefully we get some good info. from the users. Thanx in advance.
When you are downloading from torrents, you have to upload. You can't avoid it. And it is also not good to do so. You can cap the upload rate if you want but you can't set it to zero.
With torrents your download speed depends on the upload also. if you do not upload, then your download will also be brought down. When I add a torrent for downloading, I set the upload limit for the file to 8 KBps. This gives the best download speed for my torrent. Even after I download, I let it remain for uploading till the upload/download ratio is 0.5. then I remove the torrent.
hmm since i`m part of a registered forum .. i have to upload to maintain my ratio.. and i just got upgraded to uploader status which is great!! :).. cause i can finally upload loads and get my ratio to 1..

but yes to download from torrent you can also upload.. sometimes its very much possible to reduce your upload limit to say 2-3 KB and have downloads going at 50KB .. i have achieved that .... forgot how to do it now :(..

but if your on adsl then you dont have to worry..

whenever you start a torrent it gives you low speeds cause you dont have anything to upload.. once you get something to upload then your speed increases :).. and you have a consistent download speed if you have a good upload speed too :)..

like i`m on triband. and i can do 710 mb a night only on torrents on 8 hours.. :).. pretty good i must say!
i use bit comet, this lets me have a minimum upload speed of 3kb/s but i can almost always get 100kb/s download speed or more. DONT KILL TORRENTS - UPLOAD
Don't understand the upload ratios but will try. Bit comet is one of the ones which is in news nowadays. siabell tell me how u managed to achieve 100 kb/s download & 3 kb/s upload speeds. Thanx in advance.
In Bit torrent You'll have to compulsarily upload.This is what sets it apart from traditional P2P downloading mediums.You upload in order to share the bits and parts of the file to other members hence becoming a Peer.After you have completed your download and still continue to seed it then you become the seeder.You can somewhat reduce the upload limit but then again you cant run away from it.This is how the P2P works.If you don't share,how on earth do you expect other people to share stuff? :hap5:
not always will u get high dwnload rates with low upload rates..,....
u dont lose anything by uploading...why leech ? (only dwnload without uploading)
It is recommended to keep 70-80% of upload speed to the torrent client , (out of 256 kbps..set ~15kb/sec to upload & dwnload as unlimited ) for 512 set it to ~30kb/sec ) . Hope u understood that . . .
damn i hate leachers!!..but i have to admit i used to leech:(..but now its' different,i got a ratio of ~2.6:1 in DT. :eek:hyeah:

This is how i learnt it..
wanted to download a game ... pretty old game...it was ~600MB...there were no seeds..hoping i get some seeds i had left it open in the torrent client...& once in a week i remember a IP from canada who was seeding it for me....~25kbps from a single seed...thats when i realised where i was cheating....

& http://isohunt.com is one of the best torrent search out there,,,without any nasty popups or forced voting...it is the first place where i would go to search anything..
heres' a snapshot how i manage my torrent client..

max upload speed is ~25 kb/sec & max download speed is 0 (unlimited )
i get ~30kb/sec on a well seeded torrrent....120 max connections per torrent, 600 maximum global connections,max simultaneous jobs : 2.
this is the setup in Azureus ( Azureus :
Java BitTorrent Client

& see here...altough i have permitted 20 kb/sec upload...only ~4kb is uploading cause of good seed:peer ratio ... this is nice...
thanx for clearing that up super_saiyan. I downloaded uTorrent beta, port-forwarded the D-Link 502T with the specific port open & there I'm. Downloaded the first torrent & seeding it to come to atleast 0.6 ratio :)
although I do have ram but least RAM used is better. I seeded it till 0.85 ratio. I was simultaneously downloading a 1.3 GB media file, the only gripe perhaps is that I had to both times Force the downloading as well as the media file (a movie) can't be previewed. Hopefully they'll turn out the best. Here's the screenshot, any & all explanations & comments are welcome :-

what speed line are u in?
to get rid of force-downlod/force-seeding.....go to options & increase the no of simultaneous jobs...(not sure where it is in Utorrent....i can help u out in Azureus with most of the stuff. :)
Force downloading affects the speeds in any way (except the obvious)?

I think it only temporarily overrides the maximum simultaneous tasks setting to accomodate an extra task. Quite useful.
But There is No such options in the latest version of Azureus ! I updated it 2 days back and the force downloading option is now Gone and instead of that only quead is there ! I am also facing a lot of problems with the downloads due to the latest version ! My Download would break up several Times ! Is there any way that I can get back my old version back ?
@bluffmaster : i have the version & i have the option..& thats the latest version.
@saumil : no if doesnt affect any other stuff....
if your global connections is low then there may be some reduction in speeds..
hi all,

It's me again with some more queries :-

1.Should one go on uploading/seeding indefinately or is there a way to know that there are enough seeders/uploaders so one can stop seeding/uploading (Availability comes in mind here). What is a good policy to follow?

2. Using post 11 as an e.g. the * doesn't have any seeds 0 while it shows (30) in the bracket. Similarly the peers have the values 6(15). Did get the info. that peers are people who're requesting some part of the piece that one already has.

While browsing around for these questions had lot of interesting content from wikipedia on the subject :-

BitTorrent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UTorrent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (unicode Greek for uTorrent)

Some interesting developments happening in both the places.

Another thing what do u guys think about traffic shaping? Couple of Click episodes (BBC World) talked of Bittorrent & traffic shaping?

Last but not the least what do u think of Pirate bay & the swedish laws? AFA my understanding or knowledge goes the copyright law (developed by MNC's & being used world-over) covers even classical music sheets of composers living in 17th-18th century.

I remember a time about 2-3 yrs. back when a friend wanted a Mozart sheet music & I had to request people running a commercial website to give me for free which was unavailable otherwise. It would be a really sad state of affiars if all the music, culture would wound up with this copyright act. What do u guys think?
Edit: As always comments/suggestions welcome :)
shirish said:
1.Should one go on uploading/seeding indefinately or is there a way to know that there are enough seeders/uploaders so one can stop seeding/uploading (Availability comes in mind here). What is a good policy to follow?
upload as much as download...thats the least what shd do...theres' nothing wrong if giving back what u got....you wont even feel the difference during regular browsing..(unless u r upload some thing else somewhere)
2. Using post 11 as an e.g. the * doesn't have any seeds 0 while it shows (30) in the bracket. Similarly the peers have the values 6(15). Did get the info. that peers are people who're requesting some part of the piece that one already has.
when u are seeding u connect to only peers...why would u want to connect to other seeds when u are seeding (both of u have 100% of the contents of the torrent). the number in the bracket is the total number of users...for example '6(15)' means u are connected to 6 peers,& the total peers the tracker is able to track is 15..why not connected to other peers u ask? thats because they would have had higher error rates ( time taken by your PIECE to reach the peer would be more than other seeds/peers so it is shortlisted (& ips' near to both u & him will pass the PIECES over ) :)
What do u guys think?
I buy the stuff i really use & like....i download some of them to TRY-BEFORE buy....u dont buy a car/bike by just looking at the brand or by looking at the stats chart...u ride/drive it & only then get the vehicle right...:bleh:
same principle here//altough not many people do like me..its' a matter of personal choices.
btw is tht 500 plan unlimited plan? cause if u have ne download limits then ur screwed :p

moreover a simple conclusion maintain a <1.0 ratio for ur favorite torrents, =1.0 for less seeded torrents and 0.5 for extremely well seeded torrents (eg s: 100+ L: 1000+)
@Systemic Anamoly :- No this is a 1 GB plan. The only saving grace is it's free from 2 a.m.- 8 a.m. & as u can see I'm using that.