Question on dedicated music streamer for stereo music setup

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hey guys

My current stereo setup looks like this:

PC > Audinst MX1 DAC > Denon PMA510 Amp > Polk Tsi 200s bookshelfs (...yes i like bright sounds ;))

The thing is, I don't want to keep the PC on when i want to listen to some music and vice versa (dont want to use the music setup for gaming). The DAC makes the latter possible; i just plug in my headphones whenever i am gaming and so don't need the fidelity of the amp+speakers.

I am looking for options for adding a dedicated music streamer to the amp. What i need from this setup is the following

  1. Ability to playback FLAC, m4a (Apple lossless)
  2. Support for playback of music stored in USB/SDHC/iPod

From what i can figure out from my audio research, i have the following product options

  1. get an ipod dock. i have a spare 32 GB iPod Touch, can connect that to the amp using some kind of stereo dock. Denon makes one for about INR 7k, any other dock suggestions are also welcome
  2. Get the logitech squeezebox. I am not sure of how the USB/FLAC playback works out in this case
  3. Use the Spare WD Live box that i have and connect it to the Amp. the drawback of this method is that i'll have to connect it to my PC monitor, to get an idea about what i splaying & navigation. would prefer to not take this route

Any suggestions guys?
I just sold my Squeezebox Touch. I guess nothing beats the useability with this thing. Plays FLACs natively and those internet stations are added advantage. But the inbuilt DAC is nothing to write home about and you got to buy some better DAC. I tried Arcam rDAC and Cambridge Audio DACMagic. Would suggest rDAC for your setup (Denon + Polks)
^Squeezebox was on my shortlist, but reviews talked about it being laggy on USB? true/false/urban legend?

i was looking at something i can source locally. dont want to go the import route though
AnkushT said:
PC > Audinst MX1 DAC > Denon PMA510 Amp > Polk Tsi 200s bookshelfs (...yes i like bright sounds ;))

Good enough setup.

AnkushT said:
The thing is, I don't want to keep the PC on when i want to listen to some music and vice versa (dont want to use the music setup for gaming). The DAC makes the latter possible; i just plug in my headphones whenever i am gaming and so don't need the fidelity of the amp+speakers.

I am looking for options for adding a dedicated music streamer to the amp. What i need from this setup is the following

  1. Ability to playback FLAC, m4a (Apple lossless)
  2. Support for playback of music stored in USB/SDHC/iPod

FLAC and ALAC in a single box outside apple world is a wasteful pursuit. Stick to a format, I've moved to FLAC. Even tough i have a huge ecosystem of apples in the house. There are some really nice flac players out there including on the iOS.

Secondly, if using the ipod then forget you shiny new DAC as an iTransport alone you set you back by about 180-200 usd (iDecco/Wadia).

AnkushT said:
From what i can figure out from my audio research, i have the following product options

  1. get an ipod dock. i have a spare 32 GB iPod Touch, can connect that to the amp using some kind of stereo dock. Denon makes one for about INR 7k, any other dock suggestions are also welcome

    I have the Denon 11R and its good for nothing. Except maybe operating with the Denon remote. STAY AWAY!
  2. Get the logitech squeezebox. I am not sure of how the USB/FLAC playback works out in this case

    Works nice enough
  3. Use the Spare WD Live box that i have and connect it to the Amp. the drawback of this method is that i'll have to connect it to my PC monitor, to get an idea about what i splaying & navigation. would prefer to not take this route

    Why not? Your PC monitor may have a couple of inputs at least right?

Any suggestions guys?

Now the suggestions part. Th eiPod Touch you have is the best SqueezeBox remote out there. So you can consider getting a cheapest SB available with Digital out and feed your DAC. Then use the iPod touch view content , schedule, create playlist and anything else you want on the SB.

Otherwise you can safely start with the WDTV's optical out. Unfortunately the jitter is a little on the higher side on the WDs optical out so caveat emptor.
Chaos said:
^^The Audinst MX1 doesn't have any digital inputs other than USB.

Ohh my bad Chaos saar! I thought the Optical was "IN" it turns out its "OUT" :(.

Now since we have your attention, can you suggest something which can feed a USB DAC and is "not" an HTPC? :)
sarang said:
FLAC and ALAC in a single box outside apple world is a wasteful pursuit. Stick to a format, I've moved to FLAC. Even tough i have a huge ecosystem of apples in the house. If using the ipod then forget you shiny new DAC as an iTransport alone you set you back by about 180-200 usd (iDecco/Wadia)


The iPod Touch you have is the best SqueezeBox remote out there. So you can consider getting a cheapest SB available with Digital out and feed your DAC. Then use the iPod touch view content , schedule, create playlist and anything else you want on the SB.


Why not? Your PC monitor may have a couple of inputs at least right?

FLAC it is. Bye bye iTunes music..i have wayy more CDs than iTunes music. conversion is not a problem, AFAIK

hmm, what you're saying makes sense. have to spend 10-12k to get this setup done anyway. was looking for other options though :) aren't there other mp3 players (Nationite S:flow/Cowon somemodelicantremeber) which have good DACs inbuilt? or is that a route not recommended?

WD live is an option yes, but the whole setup is so..ugh..clunky. and that WD remote, i dont even wanna get started on that ;)

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sarang said:
Ohh my bad Chaos saar! I thought the Optical was "IN" it turns out its "OUT" :(.

Now since we have your attention, can you suggest something which can feed a USB DAC and is "not" an HTPC? :)

if such a thing is possible, it totally works out for me, provided there's some kind of 2-way USB routing switch available. how about that? (Sarang's question & my fictional USB connection routing switch)
debabratad said:
If money is not a concern then you can look into Logitech Squeezeboxâ„¢ Touch.

and install the Logitech Squeezeboxâ„¢ Controller App to control it not only from the Squeezebox, but basically from anything (anything = separate tablet/mobile phone/ipod touch). :)

Thanks, but Logitech is already on my shortlist. i was just wondering if there are any further options for music streamers
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