Questions about JB PS3

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There aren't any new payloads available that haven't already been posted here. You guys might already be running on the latest "PL3 3.41 PSN Access with 3.50 Spoofing" if you downloaded the latest hex in the IC thread.

The problem is that even though the payload allows 3.5 spoofing, most of the new games have new encryption keys that the spoof cannot handle. Sony is making it increasingly difficult to play backups of the newer titles. I guess you'll all have to wait for sometime for things to be worked out within the scene.
I tried that hex but PS3 does not goes to JB mode with that hex the earlier works well.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Stay offline for now. Streaming shouldn't be a problem. I think Gannu streams stuff constantly from his lappy, so you can check if there is anything additional that you need.
Not the netbook but the PC thru LAN not wifi. But mind you it requires some serious prowess otherwise might lag severely esp. in 1080p movies. Otherwise, your PS3 should do the encoding. I've ditched the PMS now. Using the LCD to stream the content off the netbook/PC. It does the encoding without issues. :D
Too much of mumbo jumbo. I guess staying offline is a better idea. I'll have to move all my stuff to the internal disc manually. No streaming :(

Anyway, let us see how good this JB thing is. I've already downloaded Castlevania, AC Brotherhood and currently downloading Dante's Inferno.
Vasishta.Sushant said:
I've already downloaded Castlevania, AC Brotherhood and currently downloading Dante's Inferno.

All of them are 100% confirmed working in JB mode.
Even Heavy Rain with MOVE support is working 100% fine.
Wats more Airtel didnt apply FUP on my 4mbps connection. Have dowloaded well past 50GB, still getting 5MBPS. :D
Vasishta.Sushant said:
Too much of mumbo jumbo. I guess staying offline is a better idea. I'll have to move all my stuff to the internal disc manually. No streaming :(

Anyway, let us see how good this JB thing is. I've already downloaded Castlevania, AC Brotherhood and currently downloading Dante's Inferno.


Dude, you better remove that line before the mods see it...
hellgate said:
All of them are 100% confirmed working in JB mode.

Even Heavy Rain with MOVE support is working 100% fine.

Wats more Airtel didnt apply FUP on my 4mbps connection. Have dowloaded well past 50GB, still getting 5MBPS. :D

Same here. I am 512kbps and was supposed to get a cut after 8GB. My bitorrent client now shows 100GB+ in this month. Still going strong :D
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