To be short and straight..... U use Android if u like it..... There are no 'benefits' that are unique to Android......Boot_Comp said:Was wondering why Android OS phones cost almost as much as phones with proprietary OS (Blackberry, iPhone, Windows etc.)?
Does Google provide support for Android the way MS does with their OS (helpline, customer service resolution of any issues etc.)?
Also how do end users (we consumers) benefit from using a phone with Android as compared to one with WinMo or a blackberry?
Appreciate any insights into this.

OS doesn't matter..... it is the cost of the hardware that makes the price go up or down...... Also, the initial Android hype kept the prices way up for even el cheapo phones like the HTC Tattoo.
Support is provided by the Handset manufacturer. U see that MS provides support coz u BUY Windows/Office/whatever from them...... U never BUY Android from Google & so, google cannot be expected to provide the type of support that MS provides.....