PC Peripherals Questions on setting up hi-fidelity audio, and heavy-duty UPS systems


Hello, TE!

My config is:

Core i5 2500k
Corsair Vengeance 1600 MHz RAM - 2 x 4GB
Asus Maximus IV GENE-Z Motherboard
Cooler Master Silent Pro M600 PSU
Seagate Momentus XT 250 GB HDD
Cooler Master Elite 431 Plus Mid Tower

I don't have a graphics card at the moment; I'm using the onboard HD 3000 Intel graphics - which is surprisingly good - for the time being. I will get an Nvidia GTX 680 in a few months. I'm using Altec Lansing BXR1121 speakers and a friend's old 19 inch Samsung monitor, both of which I will replace, maybe before getting the graphics card. I'm thinking of getting anywhere between a 23-27 inch, 120 Hz gaming monitor, but that's for later; right now, I need your help with:

I. My audio setup

Moved to:



I don't know the first thing about voltages, amperes, or watts or kWH or anything; I only have a vague idea that one of those multiplied by another one of those will give you the third.

We have random and non-random, frequent and infrequent, short and long powercuts here; so I'm looking for something that will:
1. last for a long time without stability issues, hopefully minimal maintenance if its not too much to ask
2. be modular and easy to move around, I don't want a discrete battery or any DIY solutions like hooking up truck batteries to normal UPS's to increase backup time; don't mind if it's a little on the heavy side, you can always mount it on a platform on wheels, right?
3. run the whole setup - PC w/ gfx card, at full load, big monitor, speakers, phone charger, ipod charger, mosquito repellent (lol yes I know that's asking a lot) - for at least half an hour, but if I can get an hour's backup time or more by spending some more I MAAAYYY be interested in that as well


NOW. Since my pockets aren't bottomless, I can't get top of the line, gold volume knob speakers (lol not that I'd want to) and a UPS that will last for days on a single charge; I know I will have to compromise somewhere. I can live with it if I have to get a UPS that only gives 15 mins backup BUT runs my nirvana-inducing speakers that cleaned out my wallet. Or if it means I'll have to save up for a while and then get it, that's perfectly ok too. My main concerns are quality, durability, and maintenance; in that order.

Thanks for reading that wall of text, now would you guys kindly help me out? =)
I suggest you break up the wall of text into two parts. Cut the audio part from this thread and post it in the audio section as a new thread. That way you will get a good amount of answers from the audio enthusiasts who frequent that section.

The UPS part you can leave it here. What is the budget for ups?
Well don't worry, at 20k you'll only get a very basic system.

Will look at your other thread later, meantime people with more current experience in that budget range will likely suggest suitable systems,
'basic system'? I don't have any points of reference, since I haven't used a UPS for my old system back home since 2006, and didn't use my own PC from 2009-2012. Does basic mean that it'll give me around 5 minutes of backup with that config listed above, just enough time to shut everything down? Or do you mean to say I won't be able to afford the commercial systems that most people looking for the kind of backup I'm looking for usually go for (like internet cafes), with my budget?

It'd be very helpful if you could be a bit more specific and descriptive, I'm totally lost when it comes to UPS's.

I don't want to increase the budget past 20k because then I won't be able to get some other stuff I have had my eye on for a while. And the idea of spending 20k on a UPS of all things is already quite enough for me! I'm only doing this because I'm fed up of worrying if I'm going to lose my data or spoil my hardware by running it straight from the wall.
^^Was talking about speakers. 20k for a UPS is a good budget but for speakers it'll get you a good PC speaker system but by no means is it enough for high fidelity audio.
Looks like I read your post entirely wrong. :D

If I can get a UPS for cheaper than expected, like 10k or less, then I can use the rest of the money for speakers. And if that's not enough, I can save up for a month or two and add another 10k or so. Would that suffice?

Edit: I'm not looking for cutting edge hardware here; just great surround sound reproduction for my non-audiophile ears, and trouble-and-major-maintenance-free operation for years. ;)

Anyone? Help, please? Even a slight nudge in the right direction would mean a lot.

Or if this is the wrong forum, could a mod please move it to the right one?