Quitting job during recession and doing MS in USA during recession?

Sounds crazy...yeah....i know...i have been wanting to ask this question ever since the recession hit ..........it was on november 2008 when i had finished giving my GRE and TOEFL....now as fall 2009 approaches....it is absolute chaos and confusion in my head as i m stuck between doing a job where i m under appreciated, underpaid and overworked and after the recession hit its been salary cuts...and doing my MS in Computer Science......so far i have got 4 admits in decent colleges......(Clemson,SJSU,CSU(Chico), Alabany (never heard of it) ) and 3 rejects and one college has yet to give its reply...

i have been having sleepless nights for the past 2 months as only my eyes close waiting for that much desired sleep,but my mind is wide awake with nightmares about going to the USA at this time of recession by resigning my job....i have been thinking abt wot to say when i quit, how to say....and god knows wot....my relatives say i m mad....some have no replies...some r totally confused as to wot to say........i myself feel bad.......as like anybody else i had not seen this (recession) coming..... now i m totally confused as to do wot? because it is one chance in a lifetime............one my friends who is working in Accenture and will complete two years of work experience this July,gave his GRE (with a 1300 above score...baapre) in november last year got admits in 2 really good colleges....is cancelling his MS for now and deferring it for next year by reapplying...now i have 2 choices 1) is to quit my job with 2 years of experience and go for MS in USA in this time of recession and pray that recession subsides and the USA economy comes back to normal...2) is to stick with my horrible job that gives me frustration, anger where i c no growth wotsoever in the coming years....

i know its a big risk......doing this..........one of my friends who also gave his MS last year is planning to go for his MS (he is working in L&T infotech with 2 years work experience) despite the oncoming risk.....

the only thing that my current IT job gives is the salary i get which is at the cost of my health and my frustration towards the job...the feeling i m having if i dont go for MS is that...if i quit MS,i realise after a few months is that american economy has stabilised and i sacrificed my MS for nothing.......and if in my situation with 4 admits in hand i feel it would be foolish on my part to let this opportunity to go away from my hands...and then their is the risk of reapplying and deferring the admission...going again for recommendation letter signatures from the college and the office (the hardest part) and the SOPs ... i spent a pot load of my own money into all these things and i really cant imagine of spending that much money again in reapplying....my mother is in full support of me going for my MS whereas my father is reluctant..........i really am hoping that the recession soon subsides and things come back to normal....but till then i m wondering how am i going to survive in the USA if i dont get any part time jobs.......i cant imagine bugging my folks again for money as i they have they have already made enough sacrifices....

i simply thought of putting this issue forth as i have been battling with these nightmares for long time and i thought of sharing this with u guys.....hopefully throwing some light on this matter...and if there are any others like me in this situation, i hope they can come forward and share their thoughts and feelings on this and hopefully get a practical solution for this matter....

I am in the same position....... IT job...MS or MBA....

By this post i have only one thing to say...go for it... its 2 years by the end of it, ppl will be recovering from recession...
Hey Balkazzaar- read what you posted- again and again and again if need be.
You haven't asked a question, you just stated what you want to do.
Read it again- calmly.
The answer you seek is right there in your post. :)
m-jeri said:
I am in the same position....... IT job...MS or MBA....

By this post i have only one thing to say...go for it... its 2 years by the end of it, ppl will be recovering from recession...

r u too going to USA for higher studies this year?
Hey Balkazzaar- read what you posted- again and again and again if need be.
You haven't asked a question, you just stated what you want to do.
Read it again- calmly.
The answer you seek is right there in your post. :)

i know bikey bhai....i know...i have not asked u guys a question.........its just something i wanted to share..........like i said in the last paragraph....i just want the opinions from u guys as well....:p
dude....first thing first...CHILLLLLLLLLL

go to US ..... i will b going to US in fall.... who cares what other say in india.

In fact , i have spoken to many IT ppl from america(EDS,Sabre etc) ....they say its the BEST time to do education.

See i told you..i have no idea....

I want to go... but i have frnds who did MS and MBA from GOOD colleges and still doing stupid jobs..one in Aus... did MBA from Melbourne univ... and still got no job yet....

yes US is my first prio...but i am looking for places that i can settle...so NZ and canada is also high on my list... and My elder bro and his family is UK so have a desire to go there too..IF some urgent thing comes up atleast someone from faily is near...

But they it all depends on factors like

1. Desire

2. Present cond

3. Money --> The most impot factor.... if u have the money go for it??.. are u goin on personal funds or bank loans???
m-jeri said:

See i told you..i have no idea....

I want to go... but i have frnds who did MS and MBA from GOOD colleges and still doing stupid jobs..one in Aus... did MBA from Melbourne univ... and still got no job yet....

yes US is my first prio...but i am looking for places that i can settle...so NZ and canada is also high on my list... and My elder bro and his family is UK so have a desire to go there too..IF some urgent thing comes up atleast someone from faily is near...

But they it all depends on factors like

1. Desire
2. Present cond
3. Money --> The most impot factor.... if u have the money go for it??.. are u goin on personal funds or bank loans???

bank loans most probably...but i do have sufficient family funds...but still the thought of not getting a part time job during MS and full time after that sends shivering chills down my spine.......:huh: :O
Back in 2001 dot com bubble burst and adding to that US had the 9/11 which acted as a catalyst which added to the woes of already crippled by the dot com burst and those who were 'free' after the solving Y2K.

The collective impact of all these hit (the then freshers) the most; for they did not had any experience to prove themselves. Most of them were denied joinings, most of them had a delayed joining. Those in the jobs also had a very bad time - layoffs, cuts in pay, overwork..

Things started to reverse after 3-5 quarters. But..yes a big 'BUT' old technologies were out and jobs started pouring for something new. And then we had plenty of work for next 5 years after which the wheel's top started to come down.

Some of those who I know left the job and opted to study. When they came back after 2 years they were at the same position as us. But they had an extra degree with them. So in long run will supercede.
I have seen and faced 2001. Today its a similar kind of situation. And this is the best time to go for higher studies or take break for other activities that need time. Some of the female colleagues I know are going for the family way. They are planning stay out of jobs for 2-3 years, raise kids and then join back once things start getting better.

Its a cycle and since its down today, the only thing that will happen next is that it will go up. And if at that time you will have an extra qualification.... And also during your study you could always study the market and the prevailing technologies.

All the best for whatever you do.
If you feel that your current job sucks, you are left with only one option - going for MS :hap2:

there are others who r confused with MS or MBA, you r lucky in tat way :eek:hyeah:

After MS worries...not getting job...blah blah... kalka kisne dekha hai bhai...:)

Though easy said than done, final desicion is up to you dude..:cool2:

Best of luck 4 future :hap2:
From what I can understand you are really concerned about not getting a part-time job there and having to ask your parents for survival money. Why dont you zero down a college and then ask the (Indian) seniors there if there are any part-time jobs available?And if you think your current job sucks, what makes you think that your job after an MS will not suck? (Considering that you are doing a technical degree and not a managerial one which will elevate your position in the company significantly, you still might be coding (albeit in the US) after completing your MS degree).
I have seen and faced 2001. Today its a similar kind of situation. And this is the best time to go for higher studies or take break for other activities that need time. Some of the female colleagues I know are going for the family way. They are planning stay out of jobs for 2-3 years, raise kids and then join back once things start getting better.

Its a cycle and since its down today, the only thing that will happen next is that it will go up. And if at that time you will have an extra qualification.... And also during your study you could always study the market and the prevailing technologies.

Aah, but today's recession is unlike the 2001 which was a dot-com bust, this recession is across sectors starting from financial services and going all the way to real-estate. This is a once in a life-time recession, and I dont think it has started reversing just yet. Now the big question is will all the sectors start splurging on their IT budget, once the economy recovers? Maybe, maybe not, but I am working in one of the big banks in trouble :), and trust me they require a huge technology overhaul, work efficiency and reliability is still a long way from being desirable.
If you have a somewhat stable job, I'd recommend holding off on that MS/MBA for now, unless you're heading to tier 1 school. There are far too many Indians graduating from tier 2 and tier 3 schools who are finding it increasingly difficult to get a decent job.

For example, a bunch of friends who graduated from the University of NC @ Raleigh and NCSU are still on the lookout for jobs. Same goes for almost 5 guys who graduated with an MS in Comp Sci from USC-LA last summer.

Look at this way - by working for another 12-odd months, you'll gain a bit more experience (which definitely helps post-MBA) while giving you another shot at preparing a stronger g-school/b-school app. Try getting better recommendations, write a stronger SoP, get some more extra-currics on your resume and you'll surely end up at a better school the next time around.

I graduated a couple of years ago and am in the loop when it comes to ground reports, so feel free to contact me if any of you guys have a question.
similar situation here. wrote GRE , have a good score, but As always, my standards for the colleges i want to study are a bit too high. not sure if they will accept, and even if they do, whether i can afford the fees /cost of living over there.

And to make it worse , My family is fairly dependent on my income. Though my folks have given me the go ahead, I think it will still hit them hard. Was planning to wait until my sis got a job, but dont think that is gonna happen either.

And then there is my job. Though its one of them IT jobs , I'm quite happy at it, though it can get a bit tense at times, and am working in a team of good people and a very competent and supportive manager, so dont feel like leaving that either :ashamed:

Its just that i dont see a future for myself in IT , and want to switch back to my core field, electronics , in the long term
greenhorn said:
similar situation here. wrote GRE , have a good score, but As always, my standards for the colleges i want to study are a bit too high. not sure if they will accept, and even if they do, whether i can afford the fees /cost of living over there.

And to make it worse , My family is fairly dependent on my income. Though my folks have given me the go ahead, I think it will still hit them hard. Was planning to wait until my sis got a job, but dont think that is gonna happen either.

And then there is my job. Though its one of them IT jobs , I'm quite happy at it, though it can get a bit tense at times, and am working in a team of good people and a very competent and supportive manager, so dont feel like leaving that either :ashamed:

Its just that i dont see a future for myself in IT , and want to switch back to my core field, electronics , in the long term

so wot have u decided finally.........r u going to go ahead with it....
With the mess that the country is in presently, it is difficult to say when we will be out of it, but we will be out of it for sure. An extra degree certainly helps. Some points you should keep in mind though-

1. As DC pointed out, if you are hating your job soooo much at the moment, how are you going to enjoy working after your MS, since that will also more or less be in the same field. (I'm assuming that you are working and doing your MS also in I.T./Comp Sci. , not some other field).

2. Tier 1 schools are the way to go. I know the whole process of reapplying seems very difficult at the moment, but that could also decide whether you get a job or not. As many people mentioned, there are far too many people with degrees from Tier 2 and Tier 3 schools and they are too unemployed.

3. I don't know about your job as such, but you must understand that everyone is underpaid and overworked at the moment. Atleast you have a job. It is a phase. I will be lucky if I even get a job. ( The worst year to graduate :p )

4. Last of all, forget everyone. Just sit and weigh all options before you. Keep other people out of the equation. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Make your own decision. Follow your intuition.

Best of luck buddy!