Graphic Cards R600 not a Mystery anymore :)

ANP !!!


LAST WEEK, WE GOT the R600 driver code that we dissected and inside we found four cards based on DAAMIT chip. We wrote about it here and here.

Now we may have figured out what all four cards are but now it looks now there will be even more than four. If ATI makes the Uber edition water-cooled card we are looking at five cards. Let's first talk about the four we can confirm.

Dragonshead is R600XTX and is a full-length 12.4-inch card with 1024MB memory for OEMs. We wrote more about it here.

The second card is Dragonshead 2 with the same clock as the R600XTX 12.4 inch card. The only difference is that this card ends up being 9.5 inches long and needs 240W power. It still has 1024MB memory and 512Mbit memory controller. It comes with two 2x3 pins power connectors that we already saw at Geforce 8800 GTX.

The third card is codenamed Catseye and comes with R600XT chip clocked 10 to 15 percent slower than the R600XTX. It comes with 512B of GDDR3 memory and is 9.5 inches long and occupies two motherboard slots. In metric world it is about 24 cm long. It eats up 240W and has two power connectors, 2x3 pin ones. It should see the face of the market in April. The first three cards have dual DVI and VIVO option.

The fourth R600 based card that we can confirm is codenamed UFO. We wrote about it here. The clock speed will be smaller than R600XL version and the card comes with 512 MB of GDDR3 memory. It has dual DVI and TV out but no Vivo. It is nine inches long and has dual slot cooler. It consumes 180W and has a single 2x3 power connector. It is scheduled for production in April. µ

Tiny little monster DX 10 graphic card

Compared to the Geforce 8800 GTX the R600 XTX is huge. The Geforce 8800 GTX is nine inches or about 23 cm long. The card comes with two power connectors. We have already seen one 2x3 pin, while this card will introduce the new one 2x4 pins. The new connector will come with new PSUs. The card takes two slots in your motherboard and in most cases, there will be one more version 9.5 inches that will be for retail sales.

The big R600XTX card codenamed Dragons head is the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and SIs (System Integretor) card only. The card should be launched in March and will be available at the same month but rather late march than early
Source: The four flavours of DAAMITs R600 detailed
dang... thats one huge card .. i want one :D ... hehehe... but seriously this time it brut force from ATI... hope some of the coolest members in TE bring it here just like they did for 1900xt :D ...
Now they should focus on size and power concumption.

I dont like the look of this...but will love the power for sure...
I don't like the look of the card...too freakin huge. And the handle...reminiscent of the ultra long video mixing cards I used to sell back home...:p

240W :S crazziee... anyways the g80 has competition...may prices fall soon. :eek:hyeah:
Cain0xr said:
For 12.5 inches it had better perform good!

w00t...that sentence sounds screwy d00d...say it aloud to yourself then see...:p I presume we're still talkin about the card right??

Anyone know of any launch dates?

also noticed that all 3 models claim 240w according to what's written can that be possible?
This getting ridiculous, I thought the 8800GTX was big, this is huge!!! I mean despite the power, the sheer size of the thing is a turn-off, it looks ugly and 'overweight' lol, better a smaller, 'sexier' and slightly less performing card, than this huge pile of sumo fat.
Well, the 12.5 incher is an OEM.

The retail version better look, erm.. Better :S....

A 9.5 Inch card, doesnt seem that big :bleh:...
Cain0xr said:
I meant it exactly as I said it, if they are gonna provide a card that's sized like a dinosaur's egg, it had better perform well to match it :p

your grammar needs work...major work......:eek:hyeah:

besides u actually seen a dino egg?
So no one actually got their hands on the card for benchies yet? I wonder how it'll stand up to the 8800....

[shamelessly off topic]

vandal said:
your grammar needs work...major work......:eek:hyeah:

Don't give a damn about grammar when i am not workin.

If you think this is bad, you should see me chat on q3 :p

besides u actually seen a dino egg?

Oh yes, I saw it on tv! Jurassic park! that was a real dino egg right there!!!111

[/shamelessly off topic]