Racing game for kids

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my son (9year) is interested in playing racing games.
I've installed Need For Speed Porsche 2000 and he is loving it.
Which among the below is suitable for his age?
NFS Carbon
NFS Undercover
NFS Underground
NFS Prostreet.

Pls. keep in mind his age - the game should not have any explicit scenes.
Suggestions are welcome from someone who actually played the games.
believe me , he will enjoy NFS 2 : SE :)
edit : he might be put off by the inferior graphics as compared to PU...but that game was pure fun !!
NFS 2 is a classic for sure ( FZR 2000 ftw :D ) . Turn him towards some strategy based games as well, good for kids :) .
Crazy kart or roll cage... ultimate fun.. super clean.. however crazy kart requires online access....

My personal advice :- Don't let ur son game so early.. he'll get into a habit.. he's just 9 let him enjoy the real world.... Coz whatever u say gaming is addictive .. though on different levels for different persons...
I think you should give him , Need for speed - Hot Pursuit 2 , great game but it has cops in the game like most wanted , carbon , undercover etc.

If cops are not a problem for your kid , NFS Hot Pursuit 2 is the best racing game after NFS 2 SE and NFS Porsche Unleashed.
Speedz said:
My personal advice :- Don't let ur son game so early.. he'll get into a habit.. he's just 9 let him enjoy the real world.... Coz whatever u say gaming is addictive .. though on different levels for different persons...
My thoughts,exactly.
By the way,Carbon is much 'safer' than Most Wanted.
Speedz said:
My personal advice :- Don't let ur son game so early.. he'll get into a habit.. he's just 9 let him enjoy the real world.... Coz whatever u say gaming is addictive .. though on different levels for different persons...

Thanks for your concern. I know that.
Actually my son has serious allergy problem. He is allergic to dust and grass. So outdoor playing activity has to be restricted.:( So. he gets bored although we give him company as much as possible. As a result we have to give him permission for some gaming. As a last resort gaming is restricted to maximum one hour daily.

BTW also suggest some strategy games suitable for his age.
You may feel differently about letting him play most wanted etc that have escapin cops etc, may give the wrong idea to the kid. ;)

Try GRID. Racing only on tracks. + its among the best racing games ever :ohyeah:
Recommending strategy games for a kid is hard because most involve some form of war mongering or the other even if it is just abstract - The best I can think of is Caeser 3 Simcity is also an option. But the problem is that if the strategy game is easy then its almost certainly wargame, and if it has an option to peacefully go through the game then its probably too complex for a 9 year old (Eg. Civ 4).. Perhaps puzzle games like bejewelled - maybe even the flash version of portal are more suitable for him..

You could look at adventure games though... and possibly titles based on popular animation movies - while they might suck for the adults it might be passable fare for kids :)

EDIT - just remembered - there was a game "The Incredible Machine" that would be perfect for him - its a Rube Goldberg Machine based game - it will keep him engaged and even hone his logical thinking skills... I think there was a new version released sometime this year..
Well if that's the case i guess u are doing the best for him!!

As for strategy give him roller coaster tycoon!!! awesome stuff for a kid...
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