Racing game for kids

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I doubt GRID has any explicit scenes. Its a fantastic no nonsense racing game with fantastic graphics. It should keep him occupied for a LONG time.

Honestly, if he is allregic, maybe you could give him nitendo wii if you want. They have many non explicit titles and it should keep him active.
GTR 2 is a simulation game...wonder how a 9 year old will like it..he should rather be suggested games which have an arcadish feel.

Outrun : Coast 2 Coast is another game that comes to my mind.
Wii with bill in India will set you back by a hefty 22k.. u can get it for cheaper at grey market or even better if u can get it from places like singapore or malaysia.. its definately worth the trouble n more so with ur sons allergy...

The games are not an issue as the "not-so-advisable" versions are plenty on the net so its pretty much a one time investment if u get it hard modded... n wii's great family fun too so u can always join ur son fr a game of virtual tennis!!!
+1 for Wii. it does involve a bit of cost though. but your son will definitely enjoy it and you too can join him. :)

you can make him play some indoor sports like badminton. many places have badminton courts indoors so dust,grass wont be a problem. :)
Trackmania Sunrise Extreme is also a good and addictive racing game.
For Strategy I would suggest: Railroad Pioneer

I would also suggest games like Claw and Asterix: The Gallic War.
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