Storage Solutions Rainbow/National Dual Layer dvd's 8.5GB

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So i bought 5 of these "Rainbow" brand Dual layer DVDs. Burnt a 7GB movie file at 2x << Lawrence of Arabia in 720p if someone was wonderin ^.^ >> and the burn failed halfway... I am NOT going to trust these anymore. Its back to Sony for me...
I also face the same problems...

I used both rainbow and National with samsung external dvdrw & my internal dvdrw.
Both of them failed when shifting to the second layer..

Is there a best practice for burning DL DVds..
If so, help on that pls...
i bought 5 and all burned nicely and completely for me on my lg ide dvd-rw at 1x speed , took almost 1.2 hrs to finish , all file son all dvds works normally , no problems , buts still cant trust them for imp data , verbatim DVD+R , single layer come close to being the best trustable media for imp stuff
dhruvrock2000 said:
So i bought 5 of these "Rainbow" brand Dual layer DVDs. Burnt a 7GB movie file at 2x << Lawrence of Arabia in 720p if someone was wonderin ^.^ >> and the burn failed halfway... I am NOT going to trust these anymore. Its back to Sony for me...
Rainbow n NAtional DVDs dont support 2x n 2.4x burning.U need to burn those on atleast 4x speed to make them work otherwise they wont shift from 1st layer to 2nd layer in most cases.
thirumalkumaran said:
I also face the same problems...

I used both rainbow and National with samsung external dvdrw & my internal dvdrw.
Both of them failed when shifting to the second layer..

Is there a best practice for burning DL DVds..
If so, help on that pls...
Yes Burn them at 4x speed.They'll work like a charm.

Although Rainbow n National are made by same company, National ones are better n they get less scratches.
The last time i went to a stationary store, the guy there told me that Rainbow and National are from Moser Baer. I did not believe him and since they were selling el cheapo did not go for them.
Ok so these are good or not?

National or rainbow?

If you guys have burnt them, can u post the scans of both these dics?

Im thinking of buying a sony bluray player and use these discs with it, for playing mkv's...

How's the read speed on it?
i asked this seller a question and he gave a reference to this thread.. maybe he is on te too.. so, whos that guy..??

and can anyone confirm if these are dvd+r or dvd-r as i need to use them with x360..
Use only Verbs with Xbox360. These DVDs are meant for backup only. These dont work perfectly on Xbox.
Atleast dont be cheap in pirating dude :P ..
Atleast dont be cheap in pirating dude..

awesumm line, dude.. cheapness in being pirate..!! lmao..

btw, i've got a couple of disc from my friend and these are like really shitty-cheap dual layer disc but working fine.. so, i think i'll go with these and try them once.. no harm in saving in some dough..
i hope i didnt offend you :P .. Though i have tried it and thats why i remarked. The problem is that if you Game quite lot then chances are that u will finish the game before the disc goes bad but its a problem for ppl like me who take months to complete a game. The DVD drives in Xbox arent exactly smooth players .. you can actually hear the disc rotating at very high speeds.
vercetti said:
velcro ones are shitty and they are thick and rough plastics which is a big no for storing dvds...I use the thinnercovers which are called as PP.
I get these from SP road, 1KG for 300 bucks or so.

i keep the dvds in the plastic bags and whenevr I use the dvd again, i throw the old plastic bag and use a new one to avoid any dust particles catching the dvd. and I never even lay a finger on the dvd dye surface. All my dvds don't even have a single mark on them. and if they get a mark...i dispose the dvd and burn a new one:)

Man you really take good care of your DVDs.... :)
techno_guy said:
does anybody know the cost those plastic bags in mumbai and if they are available on lammy road
they are readily available but would be cost effective if bought in bulk. i usually buy a 40 50 DVD pack in lammy and negotiate to get a 100 DVD pack case (whatever it is called spindle ETC.). they oblige. the plastic bags if used farfrequently cause scratches on DVDs. i prefer the cases 100 ones. :)
i am talking about those pp bags which versetti mentioned

what is cost of those pp bags???

does anyone know about them on lammy road
techno_guy said:
i am talking about those pp bags which versetti mentioned
what is cost of those pp bags???
does anyone know about them on lammy road
the local stationary store charges 50p for when DVD packed in those seal king types. so i think should not cost you more than 20 bucks for 100 pieces.
6pack said:
no scans yet? so many people seem to have bought these cheap dl media. :|

Would have posted if any disc's actually workied after burning . My PC just freezes when i insert the disc after burning
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