lol i am not in college anymore

I am same age as u

but over last 2 years, there have been times when i had to go through deep waters to reach the work place, i still dont mind it as living in mumbai, i am doing it since childhood and love it

Its just life, u gotta go through it if you are living in country totally dependent on these monsoon rains. And that too in region like mumbai.
Rather than doing kit kit that bah that sucks, just let go and enjoy the rains. Its coming down, like it or not. so its better to learn to like it. buy few extra pair of cloths, towels.
even if power goes down ( god forbid it does not, not becoz of A/C but i dont want downtime for my crunching pcs this time

) its still not hot in rainy season.
Even i was stuck in 26/7 rains for over 24 hours outside. I walked through chest high water from Holy spirit hospital ( where i was doing my internship ) to goregaon flyover and spent entire night on flyover there.
These things happen once in a while, thats no reason to hate rain, thats the reason to kick your MLA's and MP's @$$