Newegg linky not working 
But got wht ur reffering to :cool2:
BTW as he had said he wont b getting into expensive ram.....
the Rev 2 is the best bet..... :hap2:
The PQI turbo is know to hav probs with it smewhr(better with Intel) dnt knw wht s**t i ignore if u ppl want
PS: Let us knw what ur budget is now Masky...thts the best way to get u the best ram

But got wht ur reffering to :cool2:
BTW as he had said he wont b getting into expensive ram.....
the Rev 2 is the best bet..... :hap2:
The PQI turbo is know to hav probs with it smewhr(better with Intel) dnt knw wht s**t i ignore if u ppl want

PS: Let us knw what ur budget is now Masky...thts the best way to get u the best ram