PC Peripherals RAM issues

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Alright, I had 768MB RAM installed. 2*256MB Hynix D43 (dunno whether they were fake or not) and 1*256MB Kingston ValueRAM. All sticks DDR400, the Kingston was Mosel Vitalic, IIRC. All the RAM is out of warranty now. 1 stick of teh Hynix and the Kingston are failing Memtest (woo.. got my dad to do the test long distance!), and they were apparently causing sysfailures as well, I had 2 WinXP installs go kaput on me.
I have to get 1GB more RAM, so Transcend seem like a good choice. Do they overclock well? I'd like to hit 220-225Mhz on my system, once I get PSU issues sorted out as well. They are being quoted at 2.5K per 512MB stick, so I'd like to pick up 2 of these.
I'd like to hit 220-225Mhz, board + CPU combo is an Asus A7N8X-X with an unlocked 2400+. I get upto 2.9V VDIMM on this board, do the Transcends OC better with more VDIMM?

I'm not going in for Kingston or Hynix if I can help it, as I'm not going to be in Mumbai when the RAM is to be purchased (next 2-3 days), and I don't think my dad or the idiot dealer can make out fake Hynix..

Also, has anyone tried the DDR466/DDR500 Transcend chips? Any good?
hmmm...i have some bad experiences with Transcend....

mine doesnt OC more than 210MHz, prime doesnt run for more than 4 mins with the transcend on, @ 400MHz, or even at 333MHz!!!!!!!!!

havent tested with memtest yet.....i'm sending my stick for repleacement soon....
Overclocking cannot be guranteed with Value Rams like Transcend , Hynix , Kingston
available in Indian Market , loads of fake Transcend & Hynix are floating in the market.

But if you are lucky enuf to get hold of Orignal Hynix D43 Chip DDR400 Ram then it
can do 220-225 at timings of 2.5-3-3-7 at less than 2.9VDimm

Orignal Hynix have laser sharp prints on Ram Chips , fake ones have a bit of dull finish
on the Chip [Correct me if i am wrong]
Orignal Hynix also cost like 2.5-2.8 for a single 512MB stick [if i am not mistaken]

Well thats all i can tell you.

Dont know about Transcend DDR466/500 which come with heat spreaders but they
must be overclockable as they are rated as DDR466/500.[Dont want to comment as i
havent used it]
^^Hmm.. any original dealers for the Hynix D43 then? I'd be buying from Lamington Road, and I can call up Gurbir @ Prime if need be. Bugger's prices are always inflated though.
chaos got some micron ram from hcl that oc's really well.. might be worth a look. but not sure if they sell parts alone
going for D43 is a better choice i guess.Transcend doesnt OC well.

few days back i got hold of Brainpower PCB based D43 sticks.
got 256 x 2
TechHead said:
^^Hmm.. any original dealers for the Hynix D43 then? I'd be buying from Lamington Road, and I can call up Gurbir @ Prime if need be. Bugger's prices are always inflated though.

ask either funkymonkey or darky. both have purchased original ones and i hope they can send u a gig as well :)

hey...BTW funky has 1GB of that Hynix D43 original for sale..check it out
Nah, I have bought 2 GB for my 2 systems.
1GB is reserved for quad. And 1 GB is for sale.
So if you want you can have it.
Let me know.
Just forgot to mention it that funky had 2Gigs of Org. Hynix , just was about to sleep
and the thought came to my mind that i shud tell you that funky has 1Gig more.
And Funky himself had posted this.
Darklord said:
going for D43 is a better choice i guess.Transcend doesnt OC well.

that depends i guess.. I have used 2 256MB Transcend sticks.. one with Samsung TCB3 n other with Mosel chips.. both rated at DDR333... Mosel wud OC upto 187MHz n Samsung upto 219MHz.

TechHead, the RAM that funky is selling comes pre-tested (i think).. he has tried OCing it and knows the potential of that RAM. so given the situation, buying funky's RAM wud be ideal i guess..
Well even mine with Mosel chips went upto 220 @ 2.5-3-3-7

Also this RAM does not like CAS latency 2 even at stock speeds.Ask Apo about this,he has my RAM now.

COming back to the topic,What i wanted to suggest is, even though Hynix is cheaper than Transcend, it OC's definately better than Transcend,so why go for Transcend especially when even Transcend Fakes are floating in the market.
Darklord said:
Well even mine with Mosel chips went upto 220 @ 2.5-3-3-7

Also this RAM does not like CAS latency 2 even at stock speeds.Ask Apo about this,he has my RAM now.

COming back to the topic,What i wanted to suggest is, even though Hynix is cheaper than Transcend, it OC's definately better than Transcend,so why go for Transcend especially when even Transcend Fakes are floating in the market.

Cool. I had a chat with Funky, waiting for him to respond. I'm stuck in Delhi at this bad time, so my dad is going to finish the deal.
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