JVC HA-FXT90 : A short (not fully formed) impression
My second dual dynamic driver in weeks, this time my own - JVC HA-FXT90. I must admit that I did not need it or even want it, just bought it on impulse. Cost me about $140 from
It's a pretty decent IEM, which true to JVC's positioning right behind FX700 and FX500, sounds as expected - not as good as FX700, but not 'second tier' sound either (Silver Bullet, M3, Xears TDIII etc.,). Not using the stock tips right now, but I think it's the Ortofon tips from e-Q5 (a bit confusing as I also have 4-5 pairs each of clear UE "compatible" tips and clear V-Moda tips and I forgot which tip is on which IEM :ashamed

It is a different kind of IEM compared to DDM2 for sure. From very initial listening, I can say that the bass quantity is not much (even less than DDM2 based on memory). The punch and impact are not much to be found. Extension is good, but the quantity is just not enough to retrieve the sub-bass information well. Let's say it's not very prominent in the overall sound. Slight bit of mid-bass boost, but that small boost only makes sure that bass is not lost in the mix.
Mid range is not forward, but placed a slight bit back - somewhat like GR07, but still forward compared to FX700. The mid range of FXT90 is slightly odd when compared to FX700. On one hand, vocals are better than FX700 because of the relative forwardness. Also, FX700's vocals sound a little, say "cold", which is not the case with FXT90. On the other hand, I don't think it is as timbre rich as FX700. Certainly better than GR07 when it comes to timbre, but may be somewhat close to DDM1/2 rather than FX700. In the end, it sounds warm, smooth, rounded, but not rich or immersive.
The treble seems a bit rolled off, but I won't commit on that given my limited high frequency hearing range. Treble is slightly "happy", a bit boosted at certain ranges, but not forward, in your face or anything. Treble placement is more an in between the RE-262 and GR07 (not even DBA-02) - not as recessed and not as forward - somewhat like DDM2, but slightly better presence. Again like bass, the treble does not overrule other ranges, but does not get lost either.
Sound stage has very good width and depth wise. Of course, it's not FX700 to throw sounds that far deep and wide, but may be better than DDM2, especially when it comes to depth. Separation is decent, but I think it could use a bit more air during complex passages - may be it's a placement issue, not sure. Need to get my head around it.
Overall, it sounds smooth and becomes engaging as time goes by. It surely lags behind FX700 in clarity, speed, details, sound stage, bass quantity and extension, treble presentation, richness of sound etc., but also costs 1/3rd

. May be for someone with a budget of less than $150 and want to try JVC's sound, it's a good option.
It has an impedance of 15 ohms. Not sure if it should be considered battery drainer yet - It has reduced my Clip+ battery level by 8% (From 70 odd to 62%) within the space of a 62 min album at a volume level of -34dB.
I think I'd end up liking it better than RE0 and may be even RE-252, but don't think I can bunch it with GR07/DDM-2/e-Q5 just yet.