Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

I don't know what kind of customer service is this. What the hell would they lose if they put add a tiny cable into the E11 package? It's things like this and the repeat RMA issues that make me wary of Head-direct.
yeah be wary of head-direct customer care and their network !! :(

@mukul : lol am a little busy / occupied nowadays :(

Yeah the anedio D1 has certanly settled in, the k702 is very different with it.
I don't use M6 regularly, but was forced to try them today. As always, it's slightly frustrating to get a fit with them. Frustration? Time to take it out on something and the result after 10 mins of "surgery"

They did not make a "Night and Day" difference. But, they are much easier to fit now.
I guess there are only a few owners of DDM around here.

For those who are/were interested in EX-1000, but put off by the steep price, here's something that sounds 85% of it at 50% of the price. James444 treats it on par with FX700. But the same fit and windy issues will remain. Something worth considering!
I tried out the Live wires Trips today . Couldnt get a proper fit directly but with foam tips pushed on to the top ,it fit me just like my TF10 or any other universal . What I heard was pure awesomeness :D One of the best soundstage, most open sound and very very neutral sound signature . Hands are itching to get one .
^ Get it as soon as you can :D. You have already listened to many of the best of universals out there.

Me and Customs - Not in the near future.
Dont have enough cash to buy it right now , might have to part with the TF10s or DDM which I don't want to at any cost :( . Just gave 35k o a friend to get ma a new lens from HK 2-3 days back , would've ordered it right now if I hadn't made that purchase.

Also the dream has always been of a JH16.
FaH33m said:
I tried out the Live wires Trips today . Couldnt get a proper fit directly but with foam tips pushed on to the top ,it fit me just like my TF10 or any other universal . What I heard was pure awesomeness :D One of the best soundstage, most open sound and very very neutral sound signature . Hands are itching to get one .
Why am I not surprised :) I would've got one already if I wasn't saving up for a lens for the cam. Post some more details of the sound signature faheem. Just as a teaser or pre-launch mini review for a future detailed one.
bennysachdev said:
Post some more details of the sound signature faheem. Just as a teaser or pre-launch mini review for a future detailed one.

I'll be waiting for that one.

All Camera, No IEMs? Even Customs? I am disappointed :mad:
I think there needs to be a headphone/iem buying advice thread with template; something along the lines of preferred signature, type of use(outdoors/office/home), buying options etc. People seem to be asking similar vague questions over and over again in this section.
Faheem was supposed to do a budget-wise, signature-wise recommendation thread with brief descriptions. But, he never got around to it.

May be we should prepare a template like "PC Buying Guide"?
Yeah, a recommendation thread would be useful and I think you/faheem are the ideal candidates to come up with that. Apart from that I think a few relevant questions would be;

- What type of sound signature do you prefer?

- What genres/artists do you listen to?

- Where do you expect to use it?


- How do you plan to buy the IEM?

(Direct from shop/Online wthin India/International)

- What is your budget?
Faheem has been planning a complete IEM buying guide since a year now . Its about time he comes up with the guide , atleast before his 5000th post ;) .

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It's nice see many peoples having same interest.

May i ask anyone here who is into music like world music, Asian underground, Asian massive, lounge, artists like : karsh kale, midival punditz, talvin singh..
Have heard a few tracks of Karsh Kale & Mindval Punditz . Find them very soothing ! :D

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lavii said:
It's nice see many peoples having same interest.
May i ask anyone here who is into music like world music, Asian underground, Asian massive, lounge, artists like : karsh kale, midival punditz, talvin singh..
Used to follow these guys a lot, but that was almost a decade ago. I think it was around the time when buddha bar was at its peak.