Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

So the iem did not change. The only thing that changed was your perception, and your perception would only change when you would now be coming from somewhere else like a different sounding iem.
Yep! It's all those A/Bs which changed my perception as I mentioned above. With each passing A/B, my understanding of e-Q5 changed, but the expectation is what kept it down for me. Like I'd think "It sounds better in comparison to others, but still..... not good enough stand-alone".

The main reason would still be - Expectation! Once the excess baggage of wanting e-Q5 to be analytical or musical or have a deeper sound stage waned away, I listened to it for what it is. Did better perception lead to breaking down of the expectation? You bet - at least subconsciously. Still, there's one difference to what you've mentioned as an example. When I listen to CK10, I don't expect the bass to be like SM3 and when I listen to SM3, I don't expect the treble to be like CK10..and when I listen to Eterna, I don't expect it to have the clarity and details of either. What you mentioned is expectation due to 'relative existence', because you allow yourself to get used to a particular IEM for days and weeks. In my case, it's not strange to use 4-5 IEMs over a weekend. We are making the same point, I am just saying that in my case, I don't allow my brain to burn-in that much to a particular IEM enough to make me evaluate other IEMs only in comparison to it.

The built-up expectation -

So, what's wrong with e-Q5? In a way, it is balanced, smooth, never sibilant and handles vocal based music very well. But, it lacks the aggression or details which is required for me to enjoy the music and hence tends to get boring with my usual genres. The presentation is unexciting, too smooth and laid-back to my ears. It sounds much closer to a dynamic IEM in more ways than a BA. BAs are mostly known for their good speed and incredible detail, which is not the case here. Dynamics are known for their great musical presentation and bass presentation, which is again not the case here. So, is it an epic fail? Not totally. It made me turn my attention to certain genres (Jazz, Vocals) which I usually do not bother about. In that sense, it's a good IEM. But, it's also a drawback - if you play to it's strengths, it will be a nice IEM. But, if you expect more because it's said to be a top-tier IEM, you'll likely be disappointed.
I tried the Livewires triple driver customs tonight. In short, they were better Instrument separation and soundstage of a CK10, the warmth of an SM3 and the treble of a TF10. Awesome!!! Had to use the foam tip of the JVC marshmellow to give me a proper seal with these, but once I got them in, they were simply breathtaking. The first thing that made me jump up and say was Holy S^&#!!! This is really the best soundstage ever!!!

What the heck, think i'll just get me one of them, they're cheaper than most good universals out there right now like the Westone UM3x,W3,W4,Earsonics SM3 and so many others. And technically, being customs it should even give a better isolation, good when i'm travelling in the trains to office or in the city.
Mukul posted this review link in another thread - HifiMan RE272 - Tony's Review

Guess they have retained the good aspects of 262 - sound stage and presentation and lowered the impedance - that's always welcome.

If I remember correctly, he used to write even more detailed impressions (like the one for RE1). But, I just don't get the full picture - Bass > 262, slight upper mid range emphasis = slightly brighter than 262, treble remains the same then? I was hoping for sparkling treble of 252 to make a comeback or at least a treble, which is a bit more forward than 262 - can't make that out from his review. If it is more airy than 262, then it could really be something to look forward to.
u can...and in return send me ur fx700/sm3...:p

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I was today reading about hd598 and srh940...seems good but lack bass.....

Although HE500 is wht i will look fwd if only my bank can give me a loan for HP & AMP/DAC
I guess they should give interest free loans to all of us in TE Audio zone. We are always poorer compared to what we want to buy :p

HE500 requires only 1W of power compared to freaking 8W recommended power of HE-6. 6moon's review also has a photo of Fang Bian. And gold is supposed to soften treble? Hmm....

Hope I've carefully avoided answering mukul's question.
I guess he has "settled" with his Anedio D1. Anubhav has gone awfully quiet too! This thread is quieter than usual for sometime now.

357 posts of posts from 15th Feb to 10th May (85 days) = 4.2 posts per day

down to

54 posts from 11th May to 14th June (35 days nearly) = ~ 1.5 posts per day

Seems like many in our Audio zone are busy. Or worse, most are settled with their gear? :O
^^U can go for senn hd598

Read about thm on head-fi

or u can wait for a few months...for hd698 or re272

I m willing to sell my 262 for 6K(shipping inc)....:)
From where and for how much did you purchase your RE262 for/from?

HD598 umm well lets see, I think this time I shouldn't rush into buying something. Will take my time, and if my RE262 sells then I could buy something better for 16k.
170$+15$ for shipping+3% charge

Hmmm it came around 8500

but tht doesnt matter.

Wht matters is thr current price which is close to 7.5K

@ santhosh

seems so...both have settled with thr cool gears...

What about you?? whn r going to get jh3a and finally say DONE!!!
Too many IEMs getting wasted in my cupboard... tch tch...Wondering how much would a unused or very rarely used - new like RE-262 fetch ? Its really not upto my tastes and I might have to chose between that and DDM .As of now I like the DDM more :D
A bunch of desperate RE262 sellers :p. Wonder how many willing buyers are here.

Why not put a package deal on head-fi. We three ship RE262's together, any three of you can buy together? ;)


I don't think I'll be done even if I get JH3A. By the time I save enough (read: not buy all those sub-$100 IEMs I keep buying for several months), something new would have come and I'll wonder what upgrade it brings. Better off staying with universals, at least I can send it to some of you guys! May be hope/pray for me to get something that beats FX700, SM3 and CK10 to my ears so that I can send them off without worrying ;).

PS: 9 of my IEMs are on loan. I will send out 1 more this week and may be another too.
I will b the last one to sell 262, for sure.

Right now i am quite content with it.

All I want is little more bass. Thts y thinking of ZO


9 iems on

These shitty Head-Direct guys do not have the courtesy to even cooperate with their customers, I had asked them that if I buy a Fiio E11 from them and pay for its shipping charges, could they send the TRRS-to-TRS adapter without charging for any extra int. shipping for that but they said No, I would have to pay separate full int. shipping charges for both separately. These buggers should have given this thing to me for free, on the top of that they are not even ready to cooperate even after I have agreed to pay for it. :mad: