Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

If u can go for sm3v2 tht will be great...

better build thn orignal

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@ faheem,

U Being a EDM lover, how did u found sm3 for tht. Are they really very dark??
SM3 has enough bass to handle EDM with ease .The sound isn't really dark as such , atleast I didn't find the mids to be laidback or dark sounding :S. I do listen to lot of other music other than EDM , like recently its been an overdose of Pink Floyd discography.

So, will SM3 be your #1? We've all been waiting for your IEM ranking for the past so many months :mad:


Many people do claim that SM3 is dark sounding (James444 for instance). But to me, it's not dark sounding at all. Not bright, but not dark.

Any idea when they plan to release ZO V2? My wallet was once always open. But, now that I am 'sober' for the last 50+ days, I am not not interested in buying anything urgently. But a few options are scrolling in my 'mind display' - Atrio MG7 universal, Monster MD, DDM2, EX-1000, W4... but no customs.

With RE-272, I am losing patience. Head-direct has been terribly slow in delivery when it comes to IEMs. I guess they make more money out of players running 10 year old NOS DACs. May be you should aim for W4, since you are not comfortable about the reported fit issues of EX-1000.


The best way to source SM3 would be head-fi FS. Or if you can get somebody to bring it for you from US, get through SoundEarphones. Other sources are usually costlier. SM3 V2 is much costlier as of now and there are no reviews yet. But, it would be better to wait a while for SM3v2 to drop in price if you are looking for better build quality and longevity.
Two interesting reviews that are endangering my wallet right now -

DDM2 (improved fit, treble, presentation, lots of fun) - Radius HP-TWF21

Atrio MG5 with MG7 drivers (Bass-head bass, more forward treble than DDM-1 & 2, but not so great mids or fun or sound stage) - [REVIEW] Future Sonics Atrio M5 with MG7 transducer - Community

Instead of waiting for others to do the comparison, may be I should get both of them :p. But, finances unfortunately do not warrant such lavish spending at this time.
I love the RE262 and the last few days of their life I had moved them beyond the RE1s once I resolved my fit issues with the RE262.

However the SM3 is simply better. Better treble, better detailing and more bass. I say more bass rather than better bass as I actually liked the RE262 bass better once amped. Its not got as much impact but it sounds more controlled and I felt it extended lower. The SM3 has a bit too much mid bass for my liking. Mids & soundstage I preferred the RE262 though overall I quite digged the blended presentation of the SM3.

If pressed to keep either one I would choose the SM3 over the RE262 though they have a rather dissimilar sound.
^^ Oh that is no comparison whatsoever. I am completely smitten by the HD650. I simply haven't heard any IEM or headphone with better mids though a lot of headphones and even earphones had better bass and treble.

But thats just me. Faheem for instance will be happy to choose a IEM over a headphone. Its just the case of finding a special IEM or headphone that you really really love.
^^ I can never settle with anything. Even with IEMs, I absolutely love an IEM, but still crave for something different after a while. Lucky you don't have that kind of a problem.

I actually started with speakers and settled down with IEMs, mainly because of the cost. IEMs do have drawbacks, but they give great portability and cost effectiveness. The best speaker setup I liked when I was in the process of audition cost 22 Lakhs, but then I did not have much idea about SQ analysis back then. So, don't know what I'll feel about it today. If I had a headphone frenzy, I'd not be able to afford Stax / HD800 / LCD 2 / T1 / HE-6 + the best matching amps. I am happy where I am at and my wallet is too.
BF1983 said:
^^ Oh that is no comparison whatsoever. I am completely smitten by the HD650. I simply haven't heard any IEM or headphone with better mids though a lot of headphones and even earphones had better bass and treble.

But thats just me. Faheem for instance will be happy to choose a IEM over a headphone. Its just the case of finding a special IEM or headphone that you really really love.
How much of a difference is there b/w HD650 and HD600?
BF1983 said:
Faheem for instance will be happy to choose a IEM over a headphone. Its just the case of finding a special IEM or headphone that you really really love.
bennysachdev said:
It's silly comparison. Period.

^ You got my answer :p

and still if someone points a gun on my head and asks me to chose between my modded AH-D5000 and TF10, I probably will end up keeping the cans .*unless there's a trade with JH16 available* :D
both require a good amp to really shine ....if you have a 15 K budget, dont look there.

From what i have read, HD600 is very neutral HP, while HD650 is more focused on mids, and warm sound ( some call it dark even ) ( i have not heard it so cant comment )
Ok I know this is totally random but I din't think this wouldn't appeal to anyone except a bunch of audiophiles on a Random iem/hp rant thread(since theres no random tube amp thread).

Ok so here goes nothing. :hap5:

Is it just me or do you guys also feel like microwaving tube amps after watching this video? :ashamed:
bennysachdev said:
Is it just me or do you guys also feel like microwaving tube amps after watching this video? :ashamed:

Me, Me :p

If there's a strange IEM in my pack, it's got to be e-Q5. I loved it at first, soon loathed it. Then, I sent it to Brendon and Faheem and they shared my discontent. It laid there unused for so many days. Suddenly, I start listening to it and for a few days it becomes a good companion for low volume listening. From #4 in my rank initially, it dropped to #9 before going to Brendon and this was out of 30-ish, if I remember correctly. I then would test it during comparisons (like with RE-262) and get impressed by how it's able to stand up against other IEMs. I did not try it out for a long time. Yesterday, out of the blue, I picked it up and listened to it and voila! I started liking it even more. It may move up the rankings if it manages to impress me during comparisons for the (long pending and) planned GR07 review.

Anybody around here who's got a Etymotic ER-4P / 4S / HF5? (Not MC5)
Dude, there is no real ranking of Iems. It's all about which iem you come from. After listening to the Sm3 for a few months now I find the tf10 treble oriented Iems.
Its like if you give a ck10 user who listens to pop music a sm3, he'll probably hate it. And if you give a sm3 user who is a trance listener something like a EQ-5/7 he'll be like, where did the bass go??

After a certain point, in terms of SQ all Iems are good, the only difference is in the users taste and genre for which he buys the iem.
Which is why I keep 3 different types of iems/hps to suit different moods.
All the Iems are really good if paired with the right artist or the right song. And I'm not talking about the el cheapo ones.
The trick is to buy the iem which suits ur music taste at a point of time at the best price you can find, or get the iem for which ur getting the best price at that time and then later trade it for something else when you know there's something better out there.
I cant agree more to what benny said. It might save some headfiers spending hundreds of dollar in search of THE BEST :)

or may b i m wrong.....
I don't disagree with a word you said, Benny!

bennysachdev said:
After a certain point, in terms of SQ all Iems are good

That's why I have a tier system too. Every IEM within a tier is just about equal - variations are generally in what gets highlighted / emphasized and what's not in the signature and presentation! Again that too is subject to my personal, biased and subjective opinion. So, YMMV applies to everything I say!

bennysachdev said:
The trick is to buy the iem which suits ur music taste at a point of time at the best price you can find, or get the iem for which ur getting the best price at that time and then later trade it for something else when you know there's something better out there.

I am not after the "BEST", because such a thing does not exist - there can always be something subjectively "better" (like W4 > SM3, EX-1000 > FX700) and I cannot chase a moving target.

I get bored easily even with the IEMs I consider to be among the best, so all I need and look for is variety. In other words, I chase after something "different" all the time. Therein lies the difference. As long as an IEM can add something different / special / unique, I buy it....and that's why there can be no end to the search other than an empty wallet or loss of hearing ability or me completely losing interest in IEMs.

bennysachdev said:
Dude, there is no real ranking of Iems. It's all about which iem you come from. After listening to the Sm3 for a few months now I find the tf10 treble oriented Iems.

Its like if you give a ck10 user who listens to pop music a sm3, he'll probably hate it. And if you give a sm3 user who is a trance listener something like a EQ-5/7 he'll be like, where did the bass go??

But then in my case, it does not exactly depend on where I am coming from or where I am going as that keeps changing all the time. I can listen to CK10, FX700 and Eterna all in a day and like all of them. A person will get disappointed only because he is used to a certain signature or pattern - say knowing that this requires certain quantity / extension in bass, you can never be satisfied with something that has less bass. I don't keep such expectations. As I've said a few times in a different wording - IEMs are like colored glasses to the music. I don't say I require this or that color and try to just see what that IEM brings to the table when I play music. As long as there's a certain basic quality to the sound, I don't attach utmost importance to anything - dark / bright, bassy / non-bassy, treble heavy / muted treble, wide sound stage / cramped sound stage etc., I am crazy, I know! :)

That's not my point, at least not what I was trying to say. When I got the e-Q5, I had too many expectations and hence got disappointed. After sometime, when your guard drops and you don't expect as much, you feel that the IEM has 'become better', which actually means that your perception and expectations have changed (or sometimes even the right pairing / mood / genre). This is what is generally attributed to 'burn-in' effect. I did "burn-in" e-Q5 for 100 hours, but that did not do it for me. Keeping it idle on the shelf and then using it out of the blue did :p