Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

You've got Velours on your pair??
The HE4 according to a headfier & owner of HE400 too said that the HE4 can take all 6Watts of power from the LYR headamp. Its that power hungry.
I recently tried my yamahas with a very old Sony receiver speaker output that delivered great dynamics. You should try speaker out too with HE4.

Got any spare velours for sale?

Yup, using the velours. Don't have an extra pair though, they oddly bundle one extra pad, not a pair. The faux leather ones are easier to keep clean though, got to wash velours every now and then.

Want try them out with my dad's receiver when I'm back home next. don't think his CD player works anymore so it will be all vinyl :mad:
Ive had a bad experience with soundmagic pl11 where that stupid Lwire got crushed or something after which i could hear sound from only one headphone .... The vsnoic gr99 looks great .. also how is the build quality of the soundmagic e10 ? and is it good for my requirements .. i usually listen to music while going for my photography tours so i need something that will withstand all the bending and twisting....

If you are intrestred in the e10's
I will receive my e10m's within a couple if days. You can buy them... I am planning to upgrade!
Congrats bro!
May be its time to set up a little meet. :)

Bro have you posted a work log of sorts anywhere on the mods you made to the LCD2?

I've shelved the idea of getting another pair of customs after hearing the LCD3. No way I can afford them but it's nice thinking about it. :)
^I posted the mod with pics sometime back in the HF ortho thread. I'll look it up.
@Oyster : If was planning on ordering velour pads from head-direct too. We can order together if you want, might save us a bit on shipping charges.
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Bro have you posted a work log of sorts anywhere on the mods you made to the LCD2?

I've shelved the idea of getting another pair of customs after hearing the LCD3. No way I can afford them but it's nice thinking about it. :)

Titana has really good modding skills, his modded LCD2 are reaaly better then last i heard them unmodded. His Yamahas have spoilt me:hail:

@ Titana -
Yes bro i am eagerly waiting to hear the HE400 on your setup. Frankly though i do not hear all the qualities that Purrin, LFF & others have mentioned over headfi.
So may be its my setup thats the bottleneck
These are so much different than the Yamahas. While the yamahas are really flabless & have definite hard hitting tones , i found the LCD2 & HE400 sound alike where HE400 sounds little worse. It makes every tone sound very loud almost like a digital processing, maybe the stock gain on the O2 is too much for them.
Your Yamaha HP50A still delivers such hypnotic mids that my ears are rejecting everything else.

Yeah, lets get the pads together , will save quite much considering they are just 10$ + equal shipping i guess.

So, when can i come...this saturday eve. ?? Need help with LM4562 replacement as well....
LOL. The Yammies have spoilt us all.
I have been telling for ages that no headphones does mids like a Yamaha ortho.

About Purrin/LFF, remember that they are comparing the HE-400 to dynamic cans around that price range. :yawn:
Visit purrin's site & look for measurements of rhythmdevil's modded Yamaha orthos. Compare their measurements to the likes of Orpheus, SR-009, Sony R10 et al & then you will understand why the Yamaha orthos are considered some of the finest headphones ever made by many of us.
Not that they are perfect, most have trouble producing upper treble & being closed & supra-aural, the soundstage lacks a bit in the depth. But they give me a flat response from 0-10k and I would take that over anything else any day.

Saturday would be just fine, just let me know a couple of hours in advance. I'll dig those opamps out, no problem.
Thanks, should keep me entertained on the way back from work :)

Getting a new pair of headphones in a week or so. Won't be buying anything in a while, but I have a scary feeling the LCD 2's could well be on their way.
i suspect the m50 i received are fake. I have opened the drivers as well but i didn't find anything suspicious. However only letter R written on both the pads instead of L on one pad. Any one in bangalore who has M50 please help me. Else I will ship mine to senior members here and can have their opinion. This bug in my mind is killing me. Please help me.
hi, actually me too bought es18 based on your suggestion in pristine note thread, could you please let me know when they actually open up like i have been using it for about a week now, but the bass isn't that good neither the treble is crispy. Could you tell me how did you get them working? i have been trying to burn them by turning volume to full on my samsung galaxy sl and attaching them to it.
could you please suggest me how to work them better?
dude i too got them from HS18, acro engineering...i even checked the serial and it said it is genuine (just to make sure :p) but are you getting the sound you mentioned right out of the box? because i am getting 'muffed' sound, bass isnt clear and punchy and treble or mids are not crispy enough...just wanted to know if you did anything extra to get them work good?

I am no audiophile but like not too heavy but considerable bass and somewhat crispy treble and moderately good mid and low range. Any help guys?
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A few things:

  • Burn-in won't help much. But, if you do want to burn-in, keep normal volumes for at least 30-40 hours and then slowly increase the volume.
  • Insertion depth. Losing bass and splashy upper mid range could be due to lack of proper insertion depth. Try deeper insertion.
  • Source. The output impedance of Galaxy SL could be high, which may affect the frequency response of ES18. Did you try it out of other sources?
  • Reference (and hence preference). What other IEMs have you tried so far?
  • Batch differences. This is a wild speculation, but the QA of chinese companies is not that great. But unless you can compare another ES18 side by side and find it different sounding, I won't put too much stock into this argument.
  • I am not sure if our definitions of 'crisp' are the same. But, ES18 is forward and clear in the mid range, but not "crisp" sounding as-is. It is also thicker in treble. Refer to my comparison here (also here).
Guys i want to buy closed headphone which are not difficult to drive in the budget of 15k strictly. Any idea what i should get?
I would prefer something with good soundstage and bass. It will be used for movies games and music so it has to be a allrounder. I can get open headphones too but my friend owns hd558 and he says they leak sound alot and i dont want that.
Guys i want to buy closed headphone which are not difficult to drive in the budget of 15k strictly. Any idea what i should get?
I would prefer something with good soundstage and bass. It will be used for movies games and music so it has to be a allrounder. I can get open headphones too but my friend owns hd558 and he says they leak sound alot and i dont want that.

Then you should prefer closed back headphones.

I have few recommendations for you:

Beyerdynamic DT1350
V-Moda M-80
Beyerdynamic T50p
Denon D2000

Now I don't know what kinda sound signature you are looking for?
Now I don't know what kinda sound signature you are looking for?

I cant really explain that accurately. I am not familiar with audiophile terms. Bass and sound stage are the only things i understand :p

I was thinking of a900 or d2k but both of them are very high priced right now. A900 is close to 15k i am not sure if that it is worth buying at that price.