Random System Lockup

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My system locksup randomly in windows environemnt,and i have to hard reboot the system when it locksup that is i have to switch off the ups mains and then power it up again..........................:huh::(

my mobo is p5n32 e sli.... one of my frnd with p5ne sli is also having the same problem.......:@

has nyone here having the same problem troubleshooted it successfully?????

please help, if ny additional info is needed i can post
Do you mean that you are unable to re-enter your password and unlock the sys after it locks you out? What error does it give when you try at this time?
Iam also getting the boot issue (board: ASUS P5N-E Sli). But very rarely.. Arnd 1 in 20-25.. After powering on the system wont post, no beep & nothing.. Just a blank screen.. After i power off & then power on (pressing the reset button wont help) it will boot up & show a msg that last boot attempt failed & press del to enter bios or F1 to continue..

This problem started with a BIOS update, before that the system was working fine.. However in contrast with vinod's oproblem, iam not having any issue after it boots up.. No slowdowns, no hanging or anything while using windows..
iml3g3nd said:
no high temperatures + memory already tested no errors!

Scan for viruses, test hard drive for bad sectors and SMPS for dropped voltages.Check these voltages in BIOS system health status.

If nothing in above then try fresh installation of windows.After this it comes to test hardware like RAM/GPU/SMPS/MB.
I think vinod's smps is not the culprit.. Its almost a new Corsair VX450..

Anyways i've got my system's problem rectified.. It was the problem with my cab's power switch.. It happens when i press it slightly (without hearing the click sound), if it press it properly there is no problem..
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