Raspberry Pi

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I have finally for mail from Raspberry guys for making order. however i am not sure what accessories to add alongwith. Probably will use it for playing movies on HDTV or Torrent Downloading.

Can u guys say how much would i be able to sell it for i, for some reason, i couldn't put it to any good use?
Also, what accessories should i order along with?
I already have a 500gb Hard disk. A HDMI Cable, i guess?

Please reply ASAP.
Did you get the invite from RS? If yes, I wouldn't advise ordering accessories along with the device. It will simple add up your customs duty and most of the items are available cheaper locally.

You can be sure that someone will be ready to buy it for *atleast* the amount you paid for it, probably much more! :P
I just got another invite to order from RS Electronics, if anyone is interested let me know.

It will be approx 3.5k after customs duty etc.
varkey whats the difference between ordering from RS Electronics and Kitsnspares ?
I've ordered from Kitsnspares, should I expect customs duty to be levied.
^ You get it faster I hope. element14 India / Kitsnspares seem to be really slow. I am not sure whether everyone who ordered even in the first week of release have got their Pi.

Kitnspares : Rs 2950 shipped
RS Electronics : Rs 3500 approx
Was about to post that I got the order activation code from RS -Is there a time limit within which I have to order? I am not sure if I need it. Just went through RS FAQ - Raspberry Pi time is 11+weeks from date of invitation to order
^ The faster you order it, the closer you will be in the queue. Yes, the lead time has increased a lot. I guess they are processing orders with order numbers 30xxx now.
Really, are you sure ? My Order was placed one month ago and the reference number is: 66xxx, if they are still at 30xxx, then it is going to be a long wait :hail:

^ The faster you order it, the closer you will be in the queue. Yes, the lead time has increased a lot. I guess they are processing orders with order numbers 30xxx now.
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