Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Indiana Jones 1, 2 and 3 - 1 was good, 2 was just plain crappy, and 3 is good because of Sean Connery (He is plain amazing with his accent !)
Fight Club - Watched it for the second time on dvd and really enjoyed every bit of it.All i can say is 9/10.Think im gonna watch it again very soon.Brad Pitt and Ed Norton are simply amazing in this masterpiece mindjob movie.

Love the scene where Pitt says " Ok think i got it.....shit i lost it" and then gets whacked smack in the face.Hilarious!
Indiana Jones - Kingdom of Crystal Skull - 8.5/10

Solid entertainment. Thought Harrison Ford wouldnt be upto the task now that hes old but i was totally wrong to assume so. Looked gr8 for his age.

Some visual and sound effects were mind blowing. Esp. the mushroom cloud scene after the explosion.
Indian Jones: The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull or something...

9/10 for all the action and entertainment
7.5/10 for it as a movie.

Go watch it and you will enjoy it. You don't need to see the first three to understand it.
Speed Racer:

went an hour late to the movie :'(
too much graphics :|

Crazysah said:
Indian Jones: The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull or something...

9/10 for all the action and entertainment
7.5/10 for it as a movie.

Go watch it and you will enjoy it. You don't need to see the first three to understand it.

^^ Agree with this totally!

Me have to get the first 3 parts now :)