Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

just was CRASH.....I've been planning to see it for quite some time...Finall got my hands on the DVD....Will have to say an awesome movie...Simple but awesome...
^That was one effin sick movie. :no:

Pride and Prejudice :ashamed:

(I HAD to watch it to understand what is in my english literature book, it helped)
Saw Cars a day or two back... awesome movie... probably the best from Pixar for a grown up audience. The satire in this movie on money in sports, dangerous driving in car racing and industrialisation is just plain incredible. I really loved it. Plus after five minutes you forget that you are watching cars... its more like watching live actors.
Watched over the weekend:

Find me Guilty - Starring Vin Diesel. No, its not a action flick but based on a true story where a gangster defends himself in court. Watch it if your a Vin Diesel fan.

Running Scared - Starring Paul Walker. Fast paced thriller. Lots of profanities with Walker using the f*** word in almost all the his lines.. Good movie.

The Hills have Eyes - Horror flick.. Lots of tense moments.. Kinda good horror movie but the end disappoints a bit..
Before Sunset

The silence of the lambs

The Butterfly Effect

The Green Mile <---I cried watching this :(


kumar said:

The Green Mile <---I cried watching this :(



The same here,Out of this contemporary bunch of the run of mills.Simply extraordinary movie.Should watch it in a GOOD Quality DVD with Sub-titles!!! GREAT GREAT Experience!!!!