Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

^^Aces you should try watching the first one as well... Its called before sunrise :p. Both of these are probably my favorite chick flicks of all time. Not everyone loves them though... not for ppl with short attention spans :p.
Chaos said:
^^Aces you should try watching the first one as well... Its called before sunrise :p. Both of these are probably my favorite chick flicks of all time. Not everyone loves them though... not for ppl with short attention spans :p.

yeah wanna watch the first installment too, wonder if the couple meet up again or not ? julie delpy looked really pretty in the movie...
[D]igital [D]eath said:
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. :S

Now, I have seen all of Jim Carrey's movies :D

actually,i liked Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ;) Good story :eek:hyeah:

Me saw Godfather I DVD yesterday.