Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

P.S. I Love You... 8/10... Though Hollywood mostly suck at romantic movies (before commenting, try few Korean romantic ones!), this was pretty good. The start was a little bad, I'd say, otherwise I would have given it 9.5 if not 10. Watch it if you haven't already!
The Hangover : 7/10

Overrated or perhaps the hype killed it for me. There was a potential for so much more in this film. As gizmoholic mentioned, Superbad was a far better movie.
Gannu said:
Brilliant should I say! Morgan Freeman + Jack Nicholson = Classé. Nuff said!

:D: :ohyeah:

51st State (or Formula51) - 7/10

Amazingly enjoyable action flick... nothing extraordinary about plot, action or direction, but it's brilliantly put together and highly enjoyable ride.
Harry potter and the half blood prince 4/10
this movie isnt reallly for the people who have read the book but a decent adaptaion though much better thatn order of phoenix,but i hated the silly rom com moments in the movie and also whats with ron why are they stereotyping him as a clown.
saw Watchmen. I saw the movie in three parts and each time i saw it while dozing off! I got damn active during:
1) SEX Scenes
2) Comedian's part.
3) Superman making love with that babe while working on the reactor project.

...rest all was YAWN! Where was this going.. what were they trying to say.. nothing was up2 the mark.. special fx was ok.. they just put slow mo's for simple scenes like slapping, gun reloading, etc. Kiss with Nuclear explosion was Fkall. Superman at Mars scene was again very Awfull! This movie must have bn very offensive to the real Watchmen! Ooooooooooooohh Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabjiiiiii!

Edit: @ Duplicity movie: Julia Roberts DO LOOK DAMN OLD Now!
Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince - 8/10

Too tired to write much... but it was quite good. The rom com should have been cut-off a bit (there was too much of it, and without any satisfying end for that part)... Ron's character was too much dumbed down, I mean Hermione has feeling for him, give that guy some credit. :P

... most importantly only 15 mins of 3D in start was lame. Make the whole fu*king movie in 3D god damn it. :@
Little Manhattan-7.5/10-was a lovable watch!!

Before Sunset-7/10-was never a conversation movie fan before, but this is in different league!!!
manu1991 said:
Which one ? The 1950's one or the recent one with Matt Damon? IMO the earlier one was much better
Err the 2003 version...i didnt know that it was a remake!!!thanx for the info will try out the 1950 one!!!!
mh09ad5578 said:
Before Sunset-7/10-was never a conversation movie fan before, but this is in different league!!!

if you liked this movie, you should check out it's prequel, before sunrise. imo it's the better of the two.

you might also like some of linklater's other work... waking life, dazed and confused, a scanner darkly.