Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

the siege --denzel washington bruce willis----amazing movie and to think of it--it released 3 years b4 9/11 and resembles our own 26/11

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen- the action was amazing, awsome effects, loved those robots battle..

8.5/10 :)
District 9 - personally got bored with documntary style at start, afterwards movie went enjoyable, liked aliens whom can talk to people.. overall, a fantastic film with excellent soundtracks..
9/10 :)
saw a few football movies the last few days...needless to say had a gr8 time!!!:)

Any given sunday-7/10-nice to watch al pachino & jamie fox
The Replacements-5/10- only one time watch strictly...not in the league of some of the others on the list here
Remember the Titans-8/10 -really well made and denzel washington was amazing as always
Coach Carter-7/10 a must watch....Samuel L. Jackson packs a punch