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wasted 120bucks on Kurbaan today.
total piece of repeated shit with factual errors too.
apparently saif has lost his family in bomb blast in pak 3yrs ago, he meets the main of their terrorist group....BUT still he is the 'Top Assassin' amongst all terrorist gangs operating in middle-east. I mean, he was a good man before 3years...damn so much work experience in 3years..

another factual error...
the terrorist group is shown core to religion...
Alcohol is banned in Islam.
But when karina and the other lady(wife of head terrorist) go to mall and they check out the perfumes section(most bottled perfumes contain alcohol i think)

3rd error is that saif is sitting on right seat of the car, trying to shoot policemen behind the car.. he gets hit by a police man, and the way he was sitting, the bullet should have passed his right shoulder...
but he reaches home with wound on his left side.

read some previous comments saying it being close to Hollywood flick.. well a suicide bomber explodes 2-3m away from the police squad... most except the lead police detectives get seriously injured/killed.
the explosion takes place on a floor above the subway...but still people coming out of the subway have burn marks...

PS: The obsevations were made because i was so bored to follow anything else. PJs were below poverty line :P
Just finished watching QTs 'Inglorious Basterds'. Completely enjoyed every bit of the film.

(Christoph waltz being the standout performer for me in this multi-star mega movie)

9 out 10
thanks.. saved my bucks for the trip to movie hall...

regards neo

madnav said:
wasted 120bucks on Kurbaan today.
total piece of repeated shit with factual errors too.
apparently saif has lost his family in bomb blast in pak 3yrs ago, he meets the main of their terrorist group....BUT still he is the 'Top Assassin' amongst all terrorist gangs operating in middle-east. I mean, he was a good man before 3years...damn so much work experience in 3years..

another factual error...
the terrorist group is shown core to religion...
Alcohol is banned in Islam.
But when karina and the other lady(wife of head terrorist) go to mall and they check out the perfumes section(most bottled perfumes contain alcohol i think

3rd error is that saif is sitting on right seat of the car, trying to shoot policemen behind the car.. he gets hit by a police man, and the way he was sitting, the bullet should have passed his right shoulder...
but he reaches home with wound on his left side.

read some previous comments saying it being close to Hollywood flick.. well a suicide bomber explodes 2-3m awake from the police squad... most except the lead police detectives get seriously injured/killed.
the explosion takes place on a floor above the subway...but still people coming out of the subway have burn marks...

PS: The obsevations were made because i was so bored to follow anything else. PJs were below poverty line :P
Christmas Caroll : Superb visuals, very good model details, good mocap and acting. But the movie alas is not enjoyable.-- 5/10

Kurbaan: Good performance by Saif. Reasonable mood. Decent Watch. 6.5/10.
"Traffic" by Stephen Soderbergh 9.5 out of 10

An excellently written script with some brilliant performances from the lead actors showcasing the effects of illegal drug trafficking in USA/Mexico and how it affects people of different strata of the society.
Inglorious Basterds - good fun, but not the best Tarantino Movie. Christoph Waltz was brilliant. 8/10

He loves me, He loves me not - Audrey Tautou as a psychotic lover, it is engaging to say the least. 7/10

Priceless - A nice timepass Audrey Tautou rom-com. Good Sunday afternoon movie :) 7/10

A very long engagement - A brilliant movie based on World War I in France and how a young girl searches for her fiancee who has been untraceable since the war. 8/10

Full Metal Jacket - Bloody Awesome ! 9/10
Sunset Blvd. - 10/10 : Wow! What a classic piece of cinema!! Just wonderful! Although it's an old film it has aged very nicely! From the first scene it grips you and tells you an amazing story of Hollywood! Just awesome! Surely it is Billy Wilder's Finest! Any movie bluff who hasn't seen it has to see it!A Masterpiece!
^ There was a comment about blue on radio.
When asked a guy about what he thought about blue, he replied,"It was the most boring Blue film I ever saw."
The woodsman 3/5
Not many movies on pedophilia out there.

Tenacious D - Pick of destiny
Screw the critics, i love this movie. These masters of rawk rule.
2012 - A solid B movie. Some of the acting in the movie was unreal. And the climax made me stare at the screen in disbelief. What were the makers thinking? Some nice and some tacky special effects. - 5/10