Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

vishalrao said:
HD for that movie (man from earth) is probably not worth it... just get regular print... because there's not fancy special effects etc... just a normal day-to-day scenario...

Its not FullHD, its a 5gb 720p rip, and btw I cant watch a dvdrip on my 24" so I have to go for a BRRip to watch a movie with decent quality. Hmm..but I can watch a dvdrip on my laptop, anyways already downloaded 4gb cant help it now.

Any other must-watch movies that I can watch?
Kalifornia 1993 --- 8/10

"When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen.

Sometimes there is a moment as you are waking, when you become aware

of the real world around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think

you can fly but you better not try."
vishalrao said:
HD for that movie (man from earth) is probably not worth it... just get regular print... because there's not fancy special effects etc... just a normal day-to-day scenario...

I have a different point of view. If I like the movie, I want it in HD. It doesn't matter if there are any action scenes/special effects whatever. I have a normal 700mb rip which I took from a friend. I'm thinking of getting an HD rip of this movie now.

The Shawshank Redemption doesn't have any special effects or whatever. But if its possible to get a print higher than 1080p I would still get it. :D

Paranormal Activity - 7/10

I see why many people did not like the movie. But I kind of liked it. It wasn't as bad as many people say it was. I'm a fan of horror movies and honestly its been a long long time since I have seen a decent horror flick. This one although not excellent, but still was good enough. I hope most people who have seen the movie have seen the theatrical cut ending and not the alternate ending. The alternate ending is kind of stupid.

I think if you want to enjoy this movie, don't watch it like a movie. Consider it a documentary (ofcourse not a true one) and watch it.
The Oxford Murders
An interesting thriller about a (logical) series of murders and their mathematical correlations. ;) Subtitles will definitely help.
Armored - 2/5

i would say it was jus a OK movie, nor good nor bad, it has d same old story of cops n robbers... u can jus watch dis movie for some twists n turns that's it...
The Box.. i cant say it was crap neither can i say it was awesome.. it did have some fundas taken from some old beliefs and the whole movie was kinda based on that.. the same thing on which "The Day The Earth Stood Still" movie was based. But i'd say Box was kinda stupid.. i saw it at night with kinda low volume and far from the speakers and had to keep the volume low coz of folks in the other room. Will have to watch it again.. Just w8ing for my HD LCD Monitor to come :P GOnna watch it again.