Toy Story - 7/10
Toy Story 2 - 5/10.
Both the films would have been rated higher if they were watched some 6 years ago.
Monsters Inc - 6/10. If you leave apart the pathetic concept. The visuals and characters are pretty good.
Skin Walkers - 2/10 - Has nothing good, new, intelligent, .....etc to be seen in this movie. Dont know why these knid of movies are being made.
Only good thing abt this movie was it is less than 90 min.
Kites - 4/10. The movie failed because of its hype. I dont know why it required that many action sequence's. If they had made this movie as a pure love story then the film would have been good. Hrithik's acting was pretty good. But still no reasoning behind the whole story.