Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

The social network: 9/10 The movie is brilliant, intelligent, witty and some amazing acting.

Harry Potter and Deathly hallows: 6/10 I did not enjoy the movie a lot, the acting was horrible and it was paced extremely slowly...

Leaves of grass: 8/10, 2*Edward Norton. Nuff said...
A Wednesday - 9/10

Damn..! How did I miss this one. Caught it on the tube today. Shah/Kher show what they are made of.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World(1/10)- Don't even get me started on this one...Seriously, WTF!!! I would have given +3 for the music but thanks to stupid game references...it is neutralized.

This movie, along with Kick-Ass and Avatar, reassures that IMDB ratings are not exactly relibale...All I'm worried now is that how many good movies should I watch to get rid of this bad 'taste' and save my reputation from my friend?