Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Despicable Me - 8/10 - pretty good.

Stalker - 5/10 - I havent played the games yet, but this movie was genuinely weird. Probably the weirdest movie I have seen. Most of it just went over my head. Donno if it was the shitty subtitles or maybe I'm just not smart enough for this kind of stuff.
AstroTurfing Wars ...... documentary on how public movement is being funded by corporates for their benefits , very insightful :) esp those who believe climate change is a myth
Va Quarter Cutting - Tamil

It was hilarious at places. For the most part it is a pretty ordinary movie. However, I enjoyed it a lot (probably 'coz I was feeling lonely, and the movie was a welcome entertainment :P )

My rating: 6/10