ok.. I just watched Transformers 3.
I remember watching the first Transformers movie and being overwhelmed by its awesome storyline and breathtaking special effects, and did I mention it had robots! I found it to be the perfect blend of style and substance, accompanied with well written characters and a thought out script (At least at that time). So I went to the second part with colossal expectations. I was disappointed. The second movie opened my mind a bit though; I began to understand how Michael Bay’s movies work. By the time I finished the third film, I had completely lost my appetite for his movies and now find myself questioning why I liked the first movie in the first place! So here goes his latest Transformers movie:
Gargantuan action sequences, explosions, hot chicks (nothing more than play things running hither-skither), big ass robots, some more explosions, moronic human leaders, moronic robot leaders, even more explosions, raped physics, clichéd dialogues, plot less storylines, and my 15 dollars

Oh did I forget to mention this time it was all in 3D too

. To be fair I did somewhat enjoy the movie, although I suspect it was more due to the fact that I had stopped caring within the first ten minutes.
I won’t mention the plot summary, as I find myself incapable of comprehending a story anywhere in-between those numerous explosions. (And it’s less typing for me too!) I hope you read this in time and are able to lay off the disappointment and self blame that you could be susceptible to after you have watched the film. Just do something else with your time (like staring at a wall).
But who cares, the movie had thrilling special effects…
Transformers 1 >> Transformers 2 >>>>>>>>>> Torture >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Transformers 3