Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

sunny27 said:
^^ Its a Matt Damon movie which means its atleast a 8/10 - 100% confirmed! I hope to watch it tomorrow although I might be forced to go for Mera brother ka dulhan or something.

Mmm...will you rate it here...?
^^Mera brother ka dulhan - 3/10 - The inevitable happened - I had to be dragged reluctantly for this movie by my Stigette! Its a typical hindi masala flick with mindless dance and music sequences--you know the same ghisi piti kahani running on a loop since time immemorial -- avoid it ! - this movie get's one star for the eye candy in the theater (aka sprite freshology!) and 2 stars for the nachos with salsa sauce @ PVR cinemas (maybe I was bored and hungry) Damn I am too bored to write about this movie - although I did pay very close attention(surreptitiously!) to Katrina's tight white t-shirt!

Sadly, Contagion was playing in the neighbouring screen and I so wanted to watch that! Maybe next time.
Mera Brother Ki Dulhan : 3.5/5

A pretty good family entertainer. Katrina is absolutely brilliant in this, a must watch if you are a katrina fan. Go watch this with your family, you will have a good time. :)

It has become a fad to rate hindi movies low on the scale these days, while a lot of movies which come out of bollywood are infact utter garbage (Bodyguard?) but some are good entertainers and should be appreciated for what they are rather than comparing them to Hollywood A-list movies.
WARRIOR... 9.5/10.... Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Best movie of this year. Go watch it. But keep your hopes low. May be thats why I liked it more.
devesh38 said:
WARRIOR... 9.5/10.... Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Awesome....Best movie of this year. Go watch it. But keep your hopes low. May be thats why I liked it more.

How can someone keep his expectations low with this kind of praise from you?

I also watched it and its really nice.

Warrior 9/10
TRON: Legacy - 7.5/10. Graphically awesome and beautiful. Average story.

No listing for Warrior movie anywhere in Kolkata? WTF? :mad:

Bluffmaster said:
It has become a fad to rate hindi movies low on the scale these days, while a lot of movies which come out of bollywood are infact utter garbage (Bodyguard?) but some are good entertainers and should be appreciated for what they are rather than comparing them to Hollywood A-list movies.

Mera Brother Ki Dulhan - not rating this coz I got sick of this movie even before kat made her appearance. I guess its no worse than sucker punch, transformers 3 etc though.

edit: skimmed through the rest of the movie; I think sunny27 nailed it in his description.
Kats cannot speak (Hindi) till date either.

IINM, since Boom came out.. 11 yrs and the bimbo still cant speak Hindi.. doesnt matters if she makes statements like she is as (half an) Indian as Rahul Gandhi.

Just goes to show the quality of 'stars' we have.
Spacescreamer said:
Kats cannot speak (Hindi) till date either.

IINM, since Boom came out.. 11 yrs and the bimbo still cant speak Hindi.. doesnt matters if she makes statements like she is as (half an) Indian as Rahul Gandhi.

Just goes to show the quality of 'stars' we have.

Like she says in the film, she speaks with a cute accent and that alone is half her appeal for me. I don't think she will be much different from other A-list actress if she loses her accent. What she lacks in her acting ability she more than makes up for it with her accent. :eek:hyeah:
Guys, I have never watched Star Wars movie, but had heard alot about them. :ashamed:

My question is, are they really worth watching? I mean, those special effects must be terrible by now? Also, I think there are 3 new films then 3 old films? So, in which order should I watch them? The names are just messing me up. Like the oldest movie is IV: A New Hope. :|