Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

The Mechanist (2004) - 8 / 10

The Machinist it is! Spell it right.
Puss in boots - 6 / 10

Nothing fancy really, just made a story out of nowhere, highly predictable and nothing great.

Not worth downloading IMO, much better alternatives out there.
Kahaani - 9/10.

Brilliant no non-sense thriller. Excellent cinematographgy and script overall. The last 15 minutes of this is as good as any Bollywood thriller that could come close to that of The Departed's conclusion. Give it a watch.
Just watched 'The Girl with Dragon Tattoo (2011)'. I think this version is better than the Swedish one because of better direction and more focus on the main characters.
John Carter : 5.5/10... It had so much potential but in the end it was just MEH. Even slept in the second half for 5 min. Except animation/special effects nothing to watch in the movie.
Young adult - 5 / 10 lame! , half baked movie

One for the money - 6.5 / 10 I'm not sure which genere it falls under thriller,crime,comedy,romance phew!. It dosn't fall in any of these.
The Machinist it is! Spell it right.

Haha I was wondering how Bale got into the Jason statham starrer.

The girl with the Dragon Tattoo : 9/10

Daniel Craig awesome as usual, Rooney Mara was fantastic too(first time I am seeing her in a movie). Brilliant movie!

Dirty Harry : 10/10(watching it for the third time)

Clint Eastwood