Saw Predatorlast night. Takes a while to see Alan Brody in a combatant role. Major plot-holes, but that is expected. Quite decently done. 8/10
I agree.
I especially loved that scene where Adrien Brody puts needle in water to make a compass.
Seven Psychopaths 8/10
Do see In Bruges. It's by same Director/Writer & has same actor.
I agree.
I especially loved that scene where Adrien Brody puts needle in water to make a compass.
Yea, a lot of people did not like it. Also the scene: Where L.Fishburne tells about the adaptive nature of the Hunters...that is awesome. Did you see, first time they reach the lair, an Alien head is shown burning...!![]()
Django Unchained - 9.5 / 10 Guns N-word N-word Guns N-word N-word N-word Guns N-word - Pure awesome - Great casting - will love Christroph Waltz for his humor and dialogues - Blood rage :scared14:
7.5/10. This movie has its own Standards. Never thought an Indian could pull this out .
Snatch - 9/10.. can't believe I had not seen this movie till now.
I have that queued up too. These were the 2 movies which I had ignored for quite a while now. Snatch's trailer was more interesting and hence I picked it up first.
^ Always felt Lock Stock n Two Smoking Barrels was a much better movie. Perfect for Pizza time.
Layer Cake - 7.8/10
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 7.8/10
RocknRolla - 7/10
I saw it last week. Can't believe I waited so long to watch it, but it was totally worth it. Awesome movie!