Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Pacific Rim: 6.5/10
Monster's University: 7.3/10
Star Trek Into Darkness: 8.0/10
(Cumberbatch was brilliant.)
Star Trek whatwasitsname 2009: 7.9/10 (Somebody needs to explain why did Eric Bana had so much make up on to be that unrecognizable)
* Non Star Trek fan/follower of any kind here.

Pacific Rim: 5/10. I found nothing special in that movie. A 2 line story plot with loads of slow mo CGI and some bad acting. Had a tough time sitting through the movie.

The OST surely was good :)
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Man of Steel: I can see why people are complaining about it so much, those who read the actual comic of course, it's either a love it or hate it thing, but I haven't read, and it's the latter impression for me. I quite liked it. What's laughable though how Superman's disguising look in that news office (Daily Planet or whatever it was) has no differentiation whatsoever than his original looks, whatever....
6.5/10 - A little too much action for me though!
Man of Steel: I can see why people are complaining about it so much, those who read the actual comic of course, it's either a love it or hate it thing, but I haven't read, and it's the latter impression for me. I quite liked it. What's laughable though how Superman's disguising look in that news office (Daily Planet or whatever it was) has no differentiation whatsoever than his original looks, whatever....
6.5/10 - A little too much action for me though!
Too much destruction, no regard for public property.
Too much destruction, no regard for public property.
Hehe...first 12 hours as a superhero and people expect him to conform to already known standards from other sources. That would be duly covered in the next movie, and also his first kill (and perhaps his only kill ever).
Dragonball Evolution. 0/10.
Horrible movie. After seeing the original anime, this is just wrong on so many counts. The actors characters, the story, everything is different from original. That Hollywood director and story writer messed up a really good anime and made it trash. Damn them!

Hollywood should stay away from anime IMO.
Go to Cinepolis instead. Cheaper, and the screens and sound systems they have are excellent. However, I'm not sure whether they'll have a forced interval too. Report that here if you happen to watch it there. PVR "IMAX" in Bangalore is a scam.
+1. IMAX in Bangalore is a big joke, they are ruining the brand name. No proper legroom, The Blue Lights disturbs a lot( during movie), Crap sound, Too much of BASS. there is no room for audio separation. ( surround is really waste ). The only good theaters in Bangalore as of now is Urvashi 4K Cinema & Cinepolish.
watched Gravity and Pacific Rim.

Gravity - This should have been released in IMAX but instead they did not at Prasads. Great movie anyways, but in IMAX experience would have been awesome. 8.5/10 by me.

Pacific Rim - Asshoels are Prasads running this at IMAX instead of Gravity. I did not like this movie when I watched at home. But in IMAX it was whole lot different experience. If they had strong storyline, this would have been surely the best one. 8.5/10 for IMAX.
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The heat - 4/10
Grown ups 2 - 0/10 (worst movie i've seen this year/life)
The kings of summer - 6/10 (simple movie, nice for a change plus big fan of Nick Offerman so extra points)
Gravity - 5/10 (went with super high expectations (metascore is 96!) but was really disappointed)