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2 States: 7.5/10 (It's a happy go lucky movie. Although people who read the book may know where and how the story moves, yet acting is really good, properly visualized and Aliya Bhatt looks yum. :p It's about love marriage and two different cultures finally coming to terms of acceptance. Worth a watch for a smile's sake)
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But that's precisely what I meant. For someone who doesn't know who's who in the comic, this movie doesn't give me much info abt em. There is no build-up to the next movie. Its more like a stand alone.
I mean bautista just says he wants revenge and why, nothing beyond that. I still don't know why or even what's the story behind the tree guy or the rodent fella.
Anyways I guess, to each their own... Enjoy the movie.

This post of yours is completely in contrast to your previous post. You compared this movie to Batman Begins which showed how and why Batman became who he is. Now you are saying this movie doesn't show the back story. Then in what aspects are these two movies similar.
This post of yours is completely in contrast to your previous post. You compared this movie to Batman Begins which showed how and why Batman became who he is. Now you are saying this movie doesn't show the back story. Then in what aspects are these two movies similar.
If you read the post before mine, the other guy mentioned batman. I was simply staying how this movie is different from that.
Also like I said,I liked the movie but it wasn't a wow for me. This comment is in reference to the all the hype and user scores abt the movie
Guardians of the Galaxy -

A lot has been said about this movie and don't think I can add anymore to it. All I can say is for a guy who didn't know about this movie till Friday evening and didn't know any of the characters I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

I only went to see this movie for the animated Raccoon (I know I slammed my friends who dragged me to see Godzilla only for animated Godzilla but this was different).

I have to say after Rocket the second most funniest character was played by Batista especially the part where he starts saying how grateful he is that they are his friends and starts addressing them offensively.

The only thing I was thinking was how Marvel Studios can and 20th Century Fox can't. I dread the fact that Fox has Deadpool's license and that is one character whose movie should really be made by Marvel Studios. Every movie made by Fox pales in comparison to what Marvel has done.

Sony is somewhere in the middle and with the new Spiderman one gets the feeling that they are watching a long Sony Ad with the lead character over compensating for a missing plot. The only really good Spider Man was Spider Man 2 from the original trilogy. The new Spiderman series is okay (may be good).

Marvel Studios instead did things a lot better (except Thor 2). It not only introduced me to characters played in this movie but also made me like characters that I didn't like from the comics or cartoons like Iron Man, Hawk Eye (especially hated him because the character was so lame in the NES game had to depend on Captain America), etc.,

I only hope Marvel gets back license to leased out characters like Spider Man, X-Men etc., so that we can get better movies that these characters deserve.

All in all this was a good movie to watch and a good movie to watch in 3D.
GotG - 8/10
Not much of Chris Pratt as i'd hoped to see but it was well worth it, it's a lighthearted entertainer focused on the entire team.
A bit cheesy at times but i didn't mind for a change. Also, they've done a good job connecting all the other movies.

P.S End credits scene wasn't worth it imo, i doubt if anyone in India is familiar with that character.
P.P.S Merle Dixon with blue paint lol
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Both were great fun. For me, Pacific Rim was more about the Kaijuus and the Jaegers and the action sequences. That part of GOTG is nothing great (though it has its moments) and Pacific Rim beats it hands down. But about the human element, the setting, caring about the characters and the humour, GOTG is way ahead of Pacific Rim.

(And I thought both of them were a lot more fun than the Avengers).

GotG - 8/10
Not much of Chris Pratt as i'd hoped to see but it was well worth it, it's a lighthearted entertainer focused on the entire team. A bit cheesy at times but i didn't mind for a change.

Thanks guys.

I think i will like this movie in the same vein as i did pacific rim, but not vis a vis the same attributes.

Not gonna watch it in the halls for sure. All of em are offering 3D only, and i have had it with that technology.
Will wait for the BR release.
Gotg - 1/10. Wasn't able to hold my interest for too long. Really surprised at all the rave reviews. Walked out during the interval & watched Lucy instead. (So this rating's probably good for the 1st half :)) [To know where I'm coming from, action/superhero movies I have liked in the past - Avengers, Batman Begins, Edge of Tomorrow; disliked hugely acclaimed movies like latest Nolan Batman, Gravity, Avatar]

Lucy - 5-6/10. Tries to be both an action as well as a philosophical movie but doesn't really succeed at being either. Good enough that I sat through the movie though.

Kick - -10/10.
Guardians of the Galaxy : 7.5/10.. It was nice popcorn flick. I loved the actions sequences and few characters. As I haven't read any comics and niether knew any characters before, it took some time to know everyone. But this movie will not be among my favourites. Didn't like it that much.

Into the Storm : 6/10... No storyline. but the tornado's were good and nicely animated. Some scenes were good. But overall it didnt give any new info about how tornados are formed. It was very similar to "Twister" movie release around 10 years back. Average
Gotg - 1/10. Wasn't able to hold my interest for too long. Really surprised at all the rave reviews. Walked out during the interval & watched Lucy instead. (So this rating's probably good for the 1st half :)) [To know where I'm coming from, action/superhero movies I have liked in the past - Avengers, Batman Begins, Edge of Tomorrow; disliked hugely acclaimed movies like latest Nolan Batman, Gravity, Avatar]

Lucy - 5-6/10. Tries to be both an action as well as a philosophical movie but doesn't really succeed at being either. Good enough that I sat through the movie though.

Kick - -10/10.
I had to blink twice to read the Kick rating. Btw, given the shitty-ness of Sallu movies, why do people even attempt to watch them.

Lucy - Well what can be said. Typical Luc Besson flick. So low expectations and it scores an 8. High expectation and it hits 5. Though the ending is a bit.....
Gotg - 1/10. Wasn't able to hold my interest for too long. Really surprised at all the rave reviews. Walked out during the interval & watched Lucy instead. (So this rating's probably good for the 1st half :)) [To know where I'm coming from, action/superhero movies I have liked in the past - Avengers, Batman Begins, Edge of Tomorrow; disliked hugely acclaimed movies like latest Nolan Batman, Gravity, Avatar]

Lucy - 5-6/10. Tries to be both an action as well as a philosophical movie but doesn't really succeed at being either. Good enough that I sat through the movie though.

Kick - -10/10.

Are you sure there isn't a typo in Kick's rating. :)

For me, I quite liked GotG - 8/10. It was funny at times and characters, actions, story were decent.
I was also wondering if i read that Kick rating right. Although I have to admit I did attempt to watch it (not in a cinema hall), managed 15 mins, then fell asleep. Tried again next day, again could manage for just another 15 mins. I like Jacqueline and thought I could tolerate because of her but when she starts mouthing the dialogues, its a constant conflict between the eyes and ears. I cant remember when was the last time Salman did a serious, intense role.
Yep, Kick rating is in the -ve. Why write it that way?! ..... Wait for it ..... 'cuz I get a Kick out of confusing people with my bullsh*t ..... Har Har Yuk Yuk. Okay, apologies for the PJ.

Watched Kick out of compulsion, while on my way back into town on a Neeta Volvo. So luckily I did not spend any money. Plus had to sit through only half of it 'cuz they didn't show the 2nd half, yipee! (& yes, no one asked about why they weren't showing the remaining part ..... thank heavens for sanity.)

Hawa Hawaii - 7/10. Surprisingly good.
Okay. So watched GoTG last night and for someone like me who hasn't read the comics, the movie was neither good nor bad.
A solid 7/10 in my books but there was no story whatsoever in it. Frankly speaking I have seen better episodes of Firefly when we are talking about 'Outlaws with Spaceships in the Universe'. This is what the movie felt to me. Comic relief, just like Avengers, was perfect. Bradley Cooper excelled as Rocket. As did Bautista. In fact, these two stole the show for me. Much more than the male and female lead.
Just my $0.02.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier - 8/10
Fulltoo fun movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Her - 9/10
While Bollywood is struggling to convince me about love stories between humans, this little gem convinced me about a love story between a human and an OS.
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