Miller's Crossing
Coen Brothers
Watch this film, if you haven't, and thank Ethan, Joel and me for the rest of your life.
And for heavens' sake, please do not quote Rajeev Masand's reviews. Or any one individual's reviews for that matter. It does not matter to ANYONE (except a few intellectually challenged individuals) what Rajeev Masand thinks about a film. Films are highly subjective. You might love a film which I absolutely loathe and vice versa.
That makes it the two of us. I think it's the fact that people can somehow relate to some elements in the film. The characters, for instance. The locations. The music. A commercially successful Bollywood film has all these elements and more so that people's minds automatically relate to them.
I don't like quoting reviews myself. That was the only name I knew and did it for Chiron's benefit.