Life of Pi - 9/10
Easily one of the contenders for the VFX Oscar for this year alongside The Hobbit I and Cloud Atlas. The first 40 mins. or so is a bit slow but picks up pace eventually. There's some religion based drama and dialogues so may not suit everyone's taste.
This sequence sent the whole theater crowd into excitement and laughter! :lol:
Easily one of the contenders for the VFX Oscar for this year alongside The Hobbit I and Cloud Atlas. The first 40 mins. or so is a bit slow but picks up pace eventually. There's some religion based drama and dialogues so may not suit everyone's taste.
This sequence sent the whole theater crowd into excitement and laughter! :lol:
Pi (staring at the hyena): Come on, come on, COME ON! 
Richard Parker (leaps towards the hyena): Rrrraaaawwwwrrrrrr!

Richard Parker (leaps towards the hyena): Rrrraaaawwwwrrrrrr!