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The suspense imho counts for nothing if that's what the suspense is going to based upon. If the big reveal in movies such as this is flawed, imho the movie is flawed. What say you?

Probably i phrased it wrong. I meant the reveal at the end was weird, not the suspense actually. It was like unexpected and probably also illogical.
Bangalore people Help needed.
For Iron Man (3D) which theater would be better, Urvashi 4k or Cinnepollis (banarghatta road) ?
Watch it in 2D in either theater if it's available. The film was not shot in 3D and is only using the post-conversion process to charge more for movie-goers.

A few of the screens in Cinepolis are better than Urvashi, though it's very far for some of my friends. If it's near, go for Cinepolis. Urvashi is good too, and it's centrally located.
Bangalore people Help needed.
For Iron Man (3D) which theater would be better, Urvashi 4k or Cinnepollis (banarghatta road) ?

Always go with 2D with movie like iron man which not shit in 3D,process make them look like so Dark in 3D..
I remember watching avenger in 3D at pvr ,whole movie was black even day scene was rather dark...

Only movie worth watching in 3D was avatar and life of pie...
But here in Pune, I found only 2 shows for English 2d version (1 at city price and 1 at amanora). Everywhere else it's the 3d version. Can't say I've got a choice there :(.
Will be watching it in 3d the I guess.

Of course, that way they can extract more money from the audience and for a lesser or same experience as that of 2D.
Iron Man 3 in 3D...8.5/10
Movie was very funny, 3D was okay, not cartoonish, one thing that I don't like was the treatment of Mandarin...not gonna spoil it but it was wrong yet very enjoyable.
Was it better than the second one? I absolutely hated that.

Seems like it has been voted as the best of the series. With ben kingsley stealing the show.
The scars from the second one are holding me back from going in the theaters for this one.. this even when i saw pt 2 @ home :p

Major League (1989) - 7.5/10
Genuinely sports based comedy movie.. Something i was desp looking for.. and its from the 90s too!

True Romance - 7.5/10
Very decent movie. Tarantino sold the script to finance props for Pulp fiction.
Was it better than the second one? I absolutely hated that.

It was way better than Iron Man 2
Seems like it has been voted as the best of the series. With ben kingsley stealing the show.
The scars from the second one are holding me back from going in the theaters for this one.. this even when i saw pt 2 @ home :p

You should really go watch it in theatres, you will surely enjoy it. Ben Kingsley played his part the best he could, it is really fun watching him onscreen.

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