Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Expendables 3-- 2/10. DVD quality rips have appeared before 1 month of it's theatrical release.
Nothing good in the movie except a bunch of a list stars in their late 60's.

PS: wesley snipes shaving his beard with the knife reminded me of TE's wet shaving thread :p
Guardians of the Galaxy - 9/10. Action packed, gorgeous, great soundtrack,hilarious and touching. (And did I mention hilarious)?
:arghh::mad: when will all movies start releasing at same time worldwide?

Missed to post last week watched movies
Kick : :banghead:/10
Expendables 3 : 4/10
Batman Assault on Arkham : 8/10 liked it very much.
Batman Assault on Arkham : 8/10 Watched this last night. I love the animated Superhero Movies. Harley quinn was smoking sexy!
Edge of tomorrow : 8.5/10 Great Sci-Fi movie. Wish i had a clearer print. :p
Need for Speed: 6/10 Could be a totally smashing movie, had someone good producing and directing it!
Her : 3/10 Made me sleep twice while attempting to finish this movie. Still haven't completed it and i don't really think i will complete it either.
It's amazing how ScarJo can seduce with just 'HER' voice.

Now get seduced by this :p
