Razer MAMBA Wireles Gaming Mouse !

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Snore PHD
PIC Source : http://cult.razerzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/rzr_mamba_01.jpg

Trailer : Razer Mamba Wireless Gaming Mouse | Razer | For Gamers. By Gamers.â„¢

Full Development Notes :

Today is one of the happiest days of my Razer life because today is the day that we finally unveiled the Razer Mamba wireless gaming mouse. I don’t know how many of you are original, longtime Razer friends and fans but this is a dream that we began and actually announced roughly 8 years ago.

There are a number of reasons why we stuttered during the development of the Mamba and there is no way I can convince you that it takes 8 years to create a masterpiece. Over these many years of trial and error, we had a dream of creating the truly first wireless gaming mouse. Yes I know that there are a number of other wireless mice available but trust me when I tell you that they are not worthy of the title wireless gaming mice. If you don’t agree with this statement go to any BYOC, live gaming event, large LAN party, gaming center or arcade and see how many wireless mice are in use … freakin NONE!

From the beginning of its development we had four hard and fast rules that had to be perfected in order to make the Mamba a wireless gaming mouse. Overall it MUST perform exactly as a wired version of the best gaming mouse in the world. It had to limit latency to 1ms. It could not weigh more than a wired mouse. The battery life needed to be at least 9 hours or more (I’ll explain the more part later). And lastly signal conflict had to be mitigated as much as humanly possible.

SOURCE : The Mamba Genesis | Cult of Razer | Ground Zero for all Razer Fans and customers.

Razer= not professiona gamingl lol, the title itself is so stupid "wireless gaming mice " cordless mice suck for gaming , this example was already set by the Logitech G7 long time ago, still these ppl wont understand.

no offense to the poster (SoxMnemesis ie..) i just meant the razer people
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