Read the interview of Rahul Varma ( how he started the business

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^^Dude relax. Virus had a query and it could have been responded in kind instead of posting about the Olympic events, gold medals and so forth which wasn't really called for. Naturally it provokes the others.
vahss_11 said:
I never called you a bad journalist, I dont have anything to say on the intention of your article, I am just saying that it would be much better if the article was more on the real reason as to what makes people comfortable enough to buy online from prime without any "Indian style of Feeling product" before buying, and the only reason is the After sales service and trust in the company to provide and deal as professionally as possible.
I fully understand that you hadn't meant it like that. This is a hypothetical scenario, where I say that it is okay to criticise my article, but it isn't cool to question my ethics without proof. That part wasn't addressed to you, that's why it's in a separate paragraph.
Leave it guys...Whats the point in discussing this. Andreophile did his job. He has done it well. We shouldnt point fingers on what he did. Rather appreciate the way, the interview was published.

@ggt: We trust prime, we are its old customers, so we will always get better rates. +1 to their After sales.

@vahss_11: My rig = Prime :)
Dude i having nothing to prove or it doesn't earn me a penny to show how much retard i am.

If you have written it from your heart and your integrity perfect than i admire your quality and pray you continue such articles.....ooops sorry interview..sorry both whatever you want to say.

Now regarding i doubting your integrity sorry its not you but the person on whom you wrote the article...oops sorry again the interview.

He himself done irreparable damaged to his name which will take really long to repair hence when we hear some praise about him we doubt the person who is praising.

For details check market feedback topic on him which run into 44 pages.

Also from next time do check after sale service stuff.We have been buyers from past 3-6 years online and even when we sell our product 2nd hand in market section over here and if we commit some warranty we follow the same and also if the product goes bad in that word of mouth warranty and we know repairing wont be possible we pay partially or completely without asking back the product as we know it wont be feasible.

Just for the purpose of numbers and sales figure doing business without having any feeling for buyer wont earn him praise.

We praise PRIME for it after sales service and if not than its any other shop and after that incident we do count him in any other shop where hardly anything was there on table and for just 1k-2k i guess the person atleast lost 10 lakh rupee worth of turnover business in his lifetime customer.
@andreophile: U need to chill and not get worked up cause if u post some thing that provokes a person then you will get to see an EPCI BATTLE here on TE (Please I am not trying to threathen or scare you in way possible its its just that in these stupid arguments TE is loosing is reputation)...

And am sure Magnet meant it as a joke when he worte that post. Cause in light of the current events that transpired for a mere 300 odd bucks, we at TE lost all faith... So when we see any word of praise, we become skeptical about it... Nothing Else.... If you want proof check the Market Feedback section...

So have fun and Best of Luck for your Career and Correct me If I am wrong you just joined this forum after reading that post right??? Hope you become a regular member here and have fun...
^He had joined long back if you check the Join Date which reads June 2006 but he hasn't posted much which isn't some issue here.

But yes, the last feedback thread wherein the OP had some problem with Soundmagic's IEMs really brought about histrue colors on after sales service which I suppose is what matters the most to the consumer after sales. No wonder he had a lot of praise for TE in the interview.
Gannu said:
^He had joined long back if you check the Join Date which reads June 2006 but he hasn't posted much which isn't some issue here.
Sorry did not see his joining date at all... In that case I think he is an older member than I am also... Just saw his post count and thought that he joined for this thread...

Neways @andreophile please ingore my question... If you are offened then I am sorry...
MAGNeT said:
Dude i having nothing to prove.
You said that I receive "lot of hardware freebie" and "corporate gifts" in exchange of my editorial integrity. I proved otherwise. Now the onus of supplying the proof to back up your claims lies on you. If you cannot, then you owe me an apology.
MAGNeT said:
or it doesn't earn me a penny to show how much retard i am.
Well, it's a pity that you don't, or you'd have been a millionaire by now.
MAGNeT said:
Now regarding i doubting your integrity sorry its not me but the person on whom you wrote the article...oops sorry again the interview.
MAGNeT said:
He himself done irreparable damaged to his name which will take really long to repair hence when we hear some praise about him we doubt the person who is praising. For details check market feedback topic on him which run into 44 pages.
I have read the incident with Jerin and his Soundmagic earphones. While I don't condone what happened, you need to realise that the interview with Rahul was necessary to get an insight on the enthusiast-Lamington-online connection. As I have already explained innumerable times, Gulbir was out of reach, so I couldn't include PrimeABGB in the interview. The purpose of the interview was to explore the aforementioned angle, which was well served with Rahul's inputs. Whether he is a saint or a sinner is inconsequential to my endeavour, so why blame me for tapping into the best source available at that time?

MAGNeT said:
Also wont be surprise raiding nachiket house finding lot of hardware freebie...May be corporate gifts might be coming.
If you still think that there are "lot of hardware freebie \ corporate gift" lying with me, you are free to "raiding nachiket house".
However, let me assure you that after you are done raiding, the only incriminating thing you'll find is my foot up your...

lida said:
@andreophile: U need to chill and not get worked.
Now that I have issued a clarification, disproved the accusations, and let MAGNeT have a piece of my mind, I guess I will finally chill out.
lida said:
And am sure Magnet meant it as a joke when he worte that post.
Ah, I see. That's great news, because I made a Shrek joke too in my last post. I hope everyone will take it in the same sporting spirit.


  • eddie.jpg
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I respect each and everyone on TE, including you, even though you seem to have started posting only for this thread after long 5 years after joining TE.. Better mind you language bro.

What everyone is saying is ,if you want to give a complete insight to people about lammy shops then after sales service was the most important point and you missed it completely.

So chill

Sporting spirit?? and why should one take a donkeys (a****) attachment sportingly? :S

andreophile said:
However, let me assure you that after you are done raiding, the only incriminating thing you'll find is my foot up your...

View attachment 17232
Dude as i said if your integrity perfect than i admire your post :hap2:

...but please read between the lines and try to add satire to your life. :)

As i said its not you but the person on whom you wrote the post(i am still confuse whether its interview,article,scrap,wall or twitter material as in one post you say its interview but than in post 19 mentions that i doubted your article).

You saying you said innumerable times that GUlbir was out of country.Did i asked you where was Gulbir.I am a retard what difference it makes to me.

You mentioned the reason after my post and than say innumerable time you explain that to me.

All i can say is add satire to your life. Rather than apology you will get the essence of the post.

Anyways I feel proud to have brought you out of 5 years hibernation to post.:hap2:

Also since you know everything about whats happening on TE markets and you being member from 2006 and you needed a Manish Tiwari like person to ignite your fire to post I feel i have a great future in Congress now.:bleh:
Now one more reason to hate Techtree to have such retarded ppl who can post like this on a public forum ! Even a 15 year old kid will be well behaved than that !
Supra said:
Now one more reason to hate Techtree to have such retarded ppl who can post like this on a public forum ! Even a 15 year old kid will be well behaved than that !
It's unfortunate that you had to endure that fractious post of mine. I hope you have noticed that all my other replies have been civil. That one belligerent post was a consequence of me forgetting to take my daily dose of Valium. I hope you understand.

Fortunately, now that the right dosage of Valium has been administered, I am back to my politically correct self. You may excuse me now, while I get back to strangling my neighbour's puppies. Damn! I meant petting. Need more Valium goddnj,km
Lovely to have such a high level of conversation at TE.

Awesome, really awesome, need to learn from ALL of you .
[mod]No personal attacks/slandering[/mod]

I dont know why you guys are targetting the interviewer? Do not fling accusations without adequate proof.
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