CPU/Mobo Rebooting Issues

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Hi folks,
I just purchased a computer, its config
AMD 2800 64bit
Asus K8N E Dlx
XFX 5200 256mb
Seagate 80 gb sata
512 ddr ram
grabit (ibox cabinet with a extra fan)
Now the trouble I’m noticing with my pc is that every morning when I boot it up and say for instance play NFS underground2 it works for a while and closes off by itself. Then whatever u do it’s the same it doesn’t work. Now the temp of the board word but like 35˚C and the processor would be bout 40˚C.

This is what freaks me the most, in the afternoon when the board is about 40ËšC - 41ËšC and the processor is anywhere from 45ËšC to 53ËšC it runs as smooth as good whisky.

I have no clue in why this is happening, I first thought it was some kind of heating issues but now it don’t think that could be the cause.

Another think I’ll like all of u to know is my OS is XP which came integrated with SP2 and direct x 9.0c. (It was my friends’ idea of installing this one, which he specially build by integrating both of these to the OS)

Also for your information this config is running on a 300W SMPS....(i guess thats the problem )

Plz help me out here…. :huh:
Yup sometimes I too had this problem and I took it to the shop and found that the Heat sink is not working properly.......They changed it and they also put another fan.....
Try that....Maybe it is the same.
Did you assemble the pc yourself or someone else did it. Does it happen when you play games only or anytime.

Check you bios setting maybe someone changed temp setting so that it will reboot when the cpu touches 50 or something.

I dont think this has anything to do with the 300w smps. i ve a same config with a 300w smps everything is runnin smoothly. around 40 degrees.
Check your ram to see if it working without any problems (i worked around a few computer where they had a memory problem so check it even if it new)

that CPU temp is kinda high so make sure the fan is spinning if it is then you might want to go to a better cooling system.

Can you tell us more information like when does it crash, during the loading period of the game, during the high work period (when your playing it and there a bunch of stuff moving on the screen)?
That CPU is allrite for Mumbai temps, I have a 3000+ and it reaches 60"c at loads. Will buy a Gigabyte G power pro when its available and check if it makes a difference.

I had a similar prob, it turned out to be the PSU, have you enabled cool n quiet, if yes then turn it off. In either case try with a diff PSU.
Tinbed said:
Hi folks,
I just purchased a computer, its config
AMD 2800 64bit
Asus K8N E Dlx
XFX 5200 256mb
Seagate 80 gb sata
512 ddr ram
grabit (ibox cabinet with a extra fan)
Now the trouble I’m noticing with my pc is that every morning when I boot it up and say for instance play NFS underground2 it works for a while and closes off by itself. Then whatever u do it’s the same it doesn’t work. Now the temp of the board word but like 35˚C and the processor would be bout 40˚C.

This is what freaks me the most, in the afternoon when the board is about 40ËšC - 41ËšC and the processor is anywhere from 45ËšC to 53ËšC it runs as smooth as good whisky.

I have no clue in why this is happening, I first thought it was some kind of heating issues but now it don’t think that could be the cause.

Another think I’ll like all of u to know is my OS is XP which came integrated with SP2 and direct x 9.0c. (It was my friends’ idea of installing this one, which he specially build by integrating both of these to the OS)

Also for your information this config is running on a 300W SMPS....(i guess thats the problem )

Plz help me out here…. :huh:

Well never seen something of this type well here's a checklist to do before you try checking ur PSU.

1) Flash to the latest stable bios (1006 i think)
2) See if the CPU cooler is mounted properly and that the mounting clips are not loose. (I highly doubt this is the case)
3) Check if all fans in the cabinet are working. Also the rear fan on the cabinet must blow out and not blow in. I've seen many so called "yeeengineers" of assemblers who put the fan the wrong way :P.
3) Disable cool and quiet, load bios defaults.
4) Post the following here:
RAM speed and timings
CPU Core/Memory/3.3V/5V/12V voltages.
You can use the ASUS Probe program present on the driver CD. Alternatively you can read them in the bios in PC Health Status.

I believe its most probably cos of a bad PSU. A 400W Powersafe PSU would be a good buy.
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Hey did you patch and update everything? It kinda simple but i just remember that a lot of people don't do it.

beside the bio information stated above can you post the age and load place upon that computer?

there also a software called checkit try using it (it not free from what i heard though)
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