rebranded fake phones in china


Caffeine Addict
Staff member
Super Mod
The Chinese ppl can do ne thing , lolz.

at 25% of original cost these phones will sell like hot cakes , but cant match the quality of the original.

also i remember long time ago some one had posted pics of chinese dfi nf4 lanparty mobos.
they were exactly like the orignal dfi's.
in india they will sell like anything, many just love it cheap(especially chinese stuff), quality can take a backseat :( as long as it has incoming :)

most of the chinese ideas are original, if you can call them that :p
same true for the cars ..... i have seen many cars just copy of some big company models like one model was there copy of chevy spark it was almost same at 1/2 price of the original ...... there are many models like that ..... china is master in copying ....

but its not like india will accept anything if it is cheap ..... have u seen any china made bike here in india they tried it but after looking at the response of general public they backed of ...... tho there are many chinese bike in our neighbour country i hope u can understand which country i am talking about


but then every major company has plant in china ....i think most of the phones and comp parts available in india are made in china ...... that doesn't mean that they are bad in quality ..... its only mentality of people that y made in china Nokia phones are cheaper than others .....
they might have accepted in website but not in shops . my friend's father bought two of those for Rs3000/ each,in china only to find that they had a small chip that beeps when turned on and turns off as if it has a battery problem