Rechargable AA batteries.

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Hello everybody,

I am trying to find a good set of charger+batteries for my canon powershot S5IS.
Most of the threads in this forum have pointed to sanyo eneloops.
While checking on them I found them to be only 2000 mAH
Where as Sony cycle energy batteries are available for 2750 mAH.

But I am doubting whether the technology for both is the same ??
What about the charge retention for which eneloop is famous.
Can we get the same amount of retention in Sony batteries as well ??

So all in all, I am asking, is it better to go for 2750 mAH Sony or 2000 mAH eneloops ??
Are there any larger capacity eneloops available in India ??

Pls give your suggestions.
Thanks in Advance.
Go with eneloops, i have used sony and i did not find them to be that gr8. Also not to mention, they got stolen too last year :(

had plans to buy a set soon, but now with the new wx10 w/ li ion battery, am not using the a470 that much.
CycleEnergy is not a dedicated brand name for only hybrid Ni-Mh type batteries therefore higher capacity ones are just regular Ni-Mh batteries & hence should not be compared to Eneloops.

Get the eneloops they are indeed better...
If you want more shots/charge then you should go with a higher capacity batteries like Sony 2750mah ones but these don't hold charge for long times and also have lower charge/discharge cycles.

The eneloop and Sony premium AA batteries however hold charge for a longer times and have around 1000 charge/discharge cycles but are of lower capacity 2100mah.

A larger capacity ones from sanyo are not called eneloop,they are just like sony high capacity batteries..

But beware of fake batteries both from sanyo and sony.
I had eneloops which seems to have died. I had recently purchased Sony charger and 4 cycle energy batteries (don't know mAh) and i had my first stint with them 2 days back and they performed well.

I am unable to use the eneloop now as after i put those in the sony charger, the charging light just keeps blinking which supposedly suggests that batteries have gone bad. Cannot do anything about them now.

PS: Not fully related to the thread, but how many average shots without flash will duracell (2) alkaline batteries give for an average compact P&S camera vis-a-vis a full charged set of sanyo eneloop / sony cycle energy batteries ?
raksrules said:
PS: Not fully related to the thread, but how many average shots without flash will duracell (2) alkaline batteries give for an average compact P&S camera vis-a-vis a full charged set of sanyo eneloop / sony cycle energy batteries ?
It depends on the camera but a alkaline battery will always have much lower shots,since there voltage drops as you discharge them at end of their capacity they are around 1volt they follow a linear curve or slighly worse,where as a ni-mh has a more like a flat curve,still will have enough juice left in them.
My camera gives 20-25 shots max with flash on using duracell. I use Sanyo eneloop from last one year and getting 250-270 shots.

@ Thread starter.

Try to get Sanyo eneloop. The quality is too good and you can manage 250+ shots from your canon. Make sure buy the genuine eneloop's since there are lots of fakes floating around. you can get them from Chroma.
What about the charger ?? Do I have to buy the complete set (charger + batteries) or do i have to buy some other charger.. which is better than regular sanyo ??

How much price should I expect to pay for both charger + batteries ??

Thanks for all the replies :)
You should ideally be buying the charger bundled with the Eneloop cells. I am not sure if using an alternate charger is advisable since the charging rate may vary for the mAH rating of the Eneloop cells. There are several bundles to be found on eBay.

Had purchased the Eneloop charger and 2 AA Eneloop cells as a bundle sometime back in Feb. Purchased 2 AA and 4 AAA Eneloop cells separately later.
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