^^ i second that! can't remember the number of batteries which died in a matter of 3 months(other than eneloops) bcoz of those quick chargers! 
for rechargeable batteries, look no further than the eneloops
( i have been using them regularly for 2 years now, ( slight dcrease in battery range, which is expected, but nonetheless, its still woks like a charm! U can even use these babies on ur tv remote controls, Clocks..) i have like 18 eneloops at home

for rechargeable batteries, look no further than the eneloops
( i have been using them regularly for 2 years now, ( slight dcrease in battery range, which is expected, but nonetheless, its still woks like a charm! U can even use these babies on ur tv remote controls, Clocks..) i have like 18 eneloops at home