recommend a phone


I have a budget of around 8-11k

I wanted to wait for K790i. But due to some issues I got to buy one soon. Want a good camera and if possible mp3 playback plus 512 bundled memory card
Ofcourse K750i is a great phone & fits your budget perfectly(I own one myself), though I think for arnd 1k extra u get much better headphones(HPM70), 256Mb card, USB2 speeds & walkman software with the w700i, which is absolutely worth it. Though it lacks autofocus.
kidrock said:
I have a budget of around 8-11k

I wanted to wait for K790i. But due to some issues I got to buy one soon. Want a good camera and if possible mp3 playback plus 512 bundled memory card

Your Budget Max 11 k and you want K790i :mad:
Stick said:
Your Budget Max 11 k and you want K790i :mad:

he said "he wanted to wait" which mean he was waitin fr a price drop.......:)

nothin wrong in that .......cheers.


p.s. 500th posts! ;aka911 has a beer; :)
@ draz - the K790 is available in India officially at a price of 21.5k

the K800i being sold must have been the one imported in from europe or smwhere...
W700i is a good option for your requirements!!

K750i is an awesome handset but i've heard that there are issues with the joystick within 6-7 months of use (this includes the case with one of my pals)..

Stick I was planning to save for it. Not buy it for 11K. I know it costs 22K. I could buy it if I wait for 3-4 mts you see.

I have already spent 32 K on a new pc. And there are still more parts I need to buy. Hence its tough to commit more cash right now.

Anyways guys thanks for your suggestions.